A thank you

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The next day I was finally not running late.
I walked into the coffee shop and greeted Ryan.

„Hey Ryan. Ehm quick question. Was this Simon already here?"

He looked at me confused.


„You know the guy you gave my Tea. Ehm tall, brown hair, scars"

„ahhh this one. Eh no he wasn't here yet."

„Great let me pay for his Tea"

He looked at me even more confused.

„Oh he found my wallet yesterday in front of the shop. I must have lost it in the rush. And he brought it back to me. I just wanna do this to thank him."

Ryan grinned and nodded.

„Alright two Tea's"

I payed and thanked him.

I had a pretty busy shift and was so glad I had finally a break.

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I smiled bright

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I smiled bright.
That was actually really cute.

And luckily the shift got more relaxed after my break.
As I finally finished my shift I changed into my jeans and my Tshirt and tied my hair up in a messy bun. I was so done for the day.

The next day as I just got my Tea and had left the coffee shop I almost bumped into someone.

„Oh hi. Almost didn't recognised you without the pink scrubs"

I looked up to Simon.
A big grin plastered on his face.

„Oh hi. Yeah looks slightly different"

I smiled bright.
This time he was wearing a tshirt but I could still see the attempt he had made in bandaging the cut on his arm.

„Well nice shift today"

He said sweet and let me pass.

„Thank you. I would say you too but I don't know what you work"

„Oh well not important. I'm off at the moment"

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