Know your place

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After two weeks I was finally fit enough to go back to work.
Everyone insisted I should wait longer but I couldn't.
I needed the distraction.
I was going mad in my room.

Since that incident we were short on people.
So I decided I would train some new shadows.
Graves was ok with it.

I had let them run some rounds.
I was still pretty mad because none of this new shadows were over 23 years old.

As the kids they were they messed around and one tripped terribly over.
Right on his face.
I hurried over and helped him up.

„Ah shit you ok?"

He nodded slightly holding his bloody nose.
Some others laughed.

„Stop laughing! I saw how you tripped him! 20 extra rounds for you guys!"

They groaned loud.
I turned back to the boy and inspected his nose.

„Why isn't he running?"

I heard Phillips voice behind me.
I took a deep breath.
He had this annoyed tone.
This wasn't good.

„He's hurt."

I answered short.

„And? A soldier runs even with injury's"

„Phillip they tripped him. I already gave them extra rounds. Give him a break. It's not his fault"

„I don't care he should run"

„it's ok ma'am. I can run."

he mumbled and got up.
I gave him an apologetic smile and turned around.

„What the hell Phillip"

„What? They need to be prepared"

„For what? Another mistake?"

I spat back.
I could see how his mood got even worse.
But at this point I didn't cared anymore.

„Watch your tone"

„Or what? I had the situation under control. He needs a break"

„He doesn't. You don't make decisions here"

„You agreed that I can train them so I can make decisions"

I got slightly louder.

„They need training and not a mother"

„They are kids! They shouldn't even be here! No one should!"

„That's not for you to decide!"

„Yeah I can decide nothing! That's why I look like this!"

I gestured on my face.
I could see how this ticked him off.
Now he was screaming.

„This was simply your own fault!"


I stepped closer and glared at him.

„Lower your voice! Don't disrespect me like that"

„Like what Phillip? Like what?"

Everyone was looking at us.
The boys had stopped running.
Phillip got slightly restless.
I could see the pure rage in his eyes.

„You have to show me some respect!"

„Oh respect? You? Never!"

I said loud and clear.
This was it.
This was enough for him.
I could see clearly how something in him snapped.

Suddenly I felt a stinging pain in my face.
He had hit me.
And he kept going.

One hit.

„You do not disrespect me like that"

Two hits.

„I will show you respect"

Three hits

„Who do you think you are"

Four hits








I just stood there.
Looking in his raging face.

I could taste the blood on my lips.
The pain in my face and in my head.

I could only imagine how I looked.
Every hit was with full force.
I didn't backed up one step.
I wouldn't give him that.

Finally he stopped.
It was dead silence.
I could only hear his heavy breathing.
I blinked the tears in my eyes away and stared up with a dead look.

„I think I know my place. Sir"

I said cold.
Without looking back or saying another word I left.

Not quick.
I walked past everyone in a steady pace.
Not moving my face one inch.

This was it.
This was my last straw.

I would do anything to get out of here.
And if I would run into this damn Forrest.
I didn't cared anymore.
I would rather starve to death out there than to be here.

I reached my room.
I got my first aid stuff out of my bathroom and sat down on my dressing table.

I looked in the mirror.
I took a deep breath.

My lip was busted.
My left eye was already getting black and blue.
My scar looked highly irritated and was burning.

I got out the desinfectant and started cleaning my lip.
A couple of minutes later my door slowly opened.
I looked up and saw Vincent slip in.

I looked down.
He walked up behind me.

„I'm so sorry. I couldn't-„

„Don't Vince. It's not your fault. When you had stopped him he would have you transferred or something. And I don't want that"

„Shit. This is too much."

„I need to leave. No matter how. I can't do it anymore Vince."

He nodded slightly.

„I'll help you"

„Vince you will get in-„

„In trouble yes yes. I don't care. Whether we leave or we die here. I know it. You don't deserve any of this."

„You neither"

„I have a plan. I just need some time"

„Do what you gotta do."

He rubbed over my shoulders.
He brought me an ice pack for my face and left.

I barely slept that night.
I was only relieved as I heard that Phillip had left for a mission right in the morning.
At least I wouldn't have to talk about this.

Later that day Vincent slipped into my room looking clearly nervous.
I looked up and raised my eyebrows.

„What's wrong?"

He gestured me to sit on the bed.
Suddenly he held out a phone to me.

„You said you would remember his number when you needed to right? We don't have much time. Call him. Tell him where we are. Quick"

With that he was out of the room.
Probably looking if someone came.

I stared at the phone for a few seconds and then at the note Vincent had shoved into my hand.
It were the exact coordinates of this place.
This was amazing.
This was it!

I typed in Simon's number.
I hesitated.

Would he pick up?
Would he even care?
Would he get me?

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