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We stayed a bit.
John was actually a really nice guy.

And we decided to do something all together.
The next week we all went to a shopping centre together.
Simon hated it.
But John and I had the fun of our lives!

As soon as Simon had found a section he was interested in he was gone.
John and I were sitting outside the store and talked.

„soooo you really like him huh?"

„Well if it wasn't pretty obvious. But yes I do"

„Just making sure. You're good for him. Haven't seen him this happy in years"

I smiled slightly.

„He really likes you too you know."

„Could have guessed that. I'm just happy to have him. I havent felt this comfortable in a long time. He really makes me happy John"

„That's good to hear. I'm having hope in you two."

he nudged my shoulder.
I smiled and shook my head.

„Me too John. Me too"

My face lit up as Simon walked out.
He looked as grumpy as always.

„Bought something Si?"

„Yeah but it's more for you"

I tilted my head confused.

„I got these lights. It's for your bookshelf. It will look pretty cool"

I just looked at him with sparkling eyes.
This man was too cute.

„Thank you Si. But you really have to stop buying me things. Spend your money on yourself for once"

I said laughing.

„Nah that's wasted. You're worth it"

he said sweet.
John made fake gagging sounds and Simon slapped his head.
I had to laugh so hard I almost fell from the bench.

I was so sad when my two weeks were over.
But Simon did his best to keep me occupied.
He slept at my place pretty often.

He waited with Tea for me after work.
He even sometimes brought me Tea at work.
He probably was annoyed by my crying about the and Tea at work.

It lasted two months.
Two whole months.

We had our differences here and there but nothing a talk couldn't fix.
But on a Thursday morning I woke up alone.

I fell asleep in Simon's arms but as I woke up he was gone.

It wasn't really unusual that he had to go to a meeting or whatever it was.
But normally he would leave me a note or a text.
There was nothing.

I was a bit mad because we had talked about this.
He knew this was important for me.

But nonetheless I got dressed and went to work.
I hadn't heard from him the whole morning.
I started to get worried.

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