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Her trembling body in his arms was all he ever needed. He picked her up and carried her into the bathroom.

She was like glued to him and he found it so adorable. He turned on the shower and pulled her to his chest.
He slowly let the water run over her.
Whispering sweet nothings to her.

The way she slowly caressed his skin and with that every little and big scar on his body gave him goosebumps.

Only then he noticed the amount of little scars on her body.
They were everywhere.

He wondered what she had been through.
What her past looked like.
But he was too afraid to ask.
When he would ask then she would ask too.
And that's what he doesn't wanted.

He doesn't wanted her to leave like everyone before her.
Because she wasn't like anyone before her.
She brought light into his dark mind.
She brought colour into his gray life.

He knew the longer he would hide the harder she would fall.
But he just couldn't bring up his courage to tell her.
He wanted her to look at him the way she did now.


He helped her get cleaned up and wrapped her in a big towel.
She was so beautiful.
He even helped her into her pyjamas.
He let out a content sigh as she cuddled onto him under the blanket.

She fell asleep in no time.
Knowing she was so comfortable with him made everything better and worse at the same time.

He should be happy.
But he should be honest.
He had to tell her at some point.
Maybe she would understand.
Maybe she wouldn't judge him.
Maybe she stayed.
But what if not?
It would destroy him.


I woke up pretty late.
I had never slept this peacefully.
The events of last night played in my head.
Had that really happened?

Yes it had.

I knew that as I moved and two big arms pulled me closer.
I smiled bright and kissed his chest.

„Good morning Princess"

He whispered in a low and raspy morning voice that gave me goosebumps.

„Good morning"

I whispered back.
Everything still felt so surreal.

„How did you sleep?"

he mumbled against my hair and kissed my head.

„Never slept better and you?"

„I can say the Same"

We stayed in bed almost the whole day.
None of us wanted to do anything else.
But at some point we had to admit that Simon at least needed clean clothes.
So he left in the afternoon.

I felt a little empty as soon as he left.
I still couldn't believe all of this were happening.

And he couldn't either.
So he decided to show up just a couple of hours later. With take out and some fresh clothes.
We cuddled up on my couch and switched through some series because we just couldn't settle for one.

And we repeated that for the next 4 days.
We did almost everything together.
He sometimes had to leave in the morning to do something for work but I didn't mind.
I had time for myself and for my apartment.

I had some assumptions about his job.
I wasn't dumb.
I could connect the hints.
But I never asked.
I could understand that he didn't wanted to talk about it.
And I was glad that he also didn't asked any questions about my past.

The only thing I told him about everything was that he should talk to me.
When he had to leave for work or whatever that he told me.
I didn't care how.
Just so that I knew.
And this stayed the only thing we said about that.
The only thing I cared about was the Simon I had met. The Simon I had deeply fallen for.

After the first days we decided to take some time for ourselves just to not overestimate ourselves.

We spend the Friday separated.
What didn't last long.
On Saturday afternoon it knocked on my door.
As I opened I saw a guilty looking Simon.
In his hands some flowers and food.

„I'm sorry I can't. I miss you."

I smiled bright and jumped onto his arms.

„I missed you too Simon"

He smiled bright and we cuddled up on my couch.
In the late evening his phone rang.
He rolled his eyes and burried his face in my neck.

„Simon pick up your phone. Maybe it's important"

He huffed and picked up.


His tone was instantly different.
This fueled my assumptions even more.
I knew this behaviour.
He sighed deep and rubbed over his face.

Alright I'm gonna come get him"

He ended the call and groaned.

„I knew this was bad."

„What's wrong?"

„It's a friend. Well we work together but he's also a good friend. He got drunk again and started a fight. I'm his fucking emergency contact."

he rubbed his temple.

„This guy will be the death of me some day"

„Is he ok? This sounded pretty serious"

„I don't know. They just said I should pick him up. Could you...ugh I don't wanna ask this from you but could you come with me? Maybe he needs some medical help"

I smiled softly.

„Of course. Your friends are my friends. And in the end it's my job"

He sighed but kissed me.

„You're the best"

„Meh wouldn't say that"

„Oh sush Missy."

I poked my tongue out.

I got dressed and packed a little bag with all the things I would probably need to clean someone up.
This really wasn't the first time I did something like that.
And to be honest I was really noisy to meet one of his friends.

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