One chance

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I walked past Simon and John without even looking at them.
I looked out on the hallway and nodded.

„Alright let's go. And someone help Price. This wasn't an easy cut"

Gaz hurried to Price and steadied him.
I walked first and Simon was one step behind me.
The others followed with some distance.

„Missy I-„

„Don't. Just don't. I don't wanna hear a word."

„Please let me explain"

„Explain what? How you just left? Well the case is pretty clear."

„I'm sorry"

„Well that doesn't change anything."

„Let me just-„

„Simon I really don't think this is the right time to discuss this"

„But I need to explain. I don't know when I can"

„I don't even know what you could say to make anything better. And now shut up"

I guided them through a door in the back that lead to the basement.
It looked old and abandoned so no one would know this was important.

We walked down the stairs and through a small hallway.

„Luckily you found the right nurse. Only me and Matty have the access card to this"

I said low and unlocked the door.
I let them enter and closed the door behind us.
I turned on the light.

I smirked at the suprised looks.

The room was big.
It was an old storage of the hospital.
On one wall were a load of guns.
Right next to them two big closets with ammo.

„Holy shit."

John muttered.

„Feel free to chose"

I said while I walked over in the other corner.
There were some lockers.
I opened one and got out a vest and a belt.

I could practically feel how Simon was standing behind me.
I fidgeted on my vest.
It just wouldn't sit right.
My hands were shaking.

Not because of the situation.
I was good at this.
It was because Simon was here.
This was the last thing I had expected.

I blew a stand out of my face and almost ripped off a piece of my vest.

„Come here"

Simon muttered and closed it for me.
I didn't looked up.
I felt the tears fill my eyes.

„I'm really sorry. I should have told you"

„Oh really. Well this comes really late"

„Well you didn't told me either"

I looked up.
I could see his hurt face as he saw my tears.

„Because you never asked! I'm not stupid Simon! I had suspected something like this.
The scars, the meetings, some of your behaviour and language. It was pretty obvious.
And yet I never asked and respected that you just don't wanted to talk about it.
I was fine with it.
I could have lived with you being away.
But not with you vanishing Simon."

„You knew?"

„Of course!
God Simon.
You answered with affirmative as I asked you if you had the keys one day.
If that isn't obvious.
But I don't care. We could have worked it out.
But you decided otherwise"

„I'm so sorry. I was too afraid that you would leave me. Like everyone else.
I panicked.
So I thought it would be easier if I left.
But it wasn't. It was a mistake. John tried to talk me out of it but I didn't listened to him. I thought you would be better off without me"

„Hell yes it was a mistake. You threw everything away!"

„I'm so sorry. Please."

„Can we please talk about this when this bullshit is over? We have to get you out here"

„Does that mean you still mean what you wrote me?"

„Yes Simon. Of course I do. But you broke me"

„I'm really sorry we will talk it out ok? As soon as this is over. But please promise you talk to me then"

„Alright I will. But now let me save my fucking hospital"

„Ey Ghost! Come here"

We walked over to the others.
Price was on his phone taking with someone.

„Alright we have ammo. She will show us a way out. Right Miss?"

„If you call me Miss one more time I tell them where you are really"

I rolled my eyes.


The voice from the phone made me freeze.
I walked next to Price and looked on the screen.
I smiled bright.

„Kate! What a nice surprise"

„Oh thank god. Well guys now I know you're gonna get out there safe."

„I give my best ma'am"

„Angel enough of that. I'm so glad to see you. And I'm sorry for the inconveniences"

„It's ok Kate. Better here than anywhere else right?"

„Angel does he know this is your hospital?"

„I think not. I'm not even sure if he's here himself."

„Let's hope not. Alright good luck"

Price stared at me suprised

„You know Laswell?"

„Knowing? This woman thought me almost everything I know. I served the main time with her"

„And who shouldn't know you're here?"

John asked.

„Graves. When he's here I have a problem"

„What why?"

Gaz added.


I looked at my phone.
We still had time.
I wanted to take a specific moment to get them out.

„I'm gonna explain to you everything. Alright?"

„We're all ears Missy"

Simon said grabbing my shoulders behind me.

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