Final goodbye

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I lead them through the base.
I knew exactly where I wanted to go.
Where I needed to go.

We reached the tech room.
As I reached for the door handle Simon pulled me back around a corner.

On the other side of the corridor were two shadows. Even tho they wore masks I knew exactly who they were.
Two of the most annoying guys ever to be met.
They were like mindless dogs that followed Graves everywhere.

I got out my gun.

Simon understood my look and nodded.

„112 and 74"

I mumbled towards Vincent.
He rolled his eyes and nodded.
I approached the corner.
Simon held me back.

„What are you doing?"

„My job. Trust me. They expect a man. Someone tall. Not a small woman."

I grinned evil and kneeled down.
I leaned atound the corner.

And as expected they didn't even see me.
They looked at the completely different height.
They were so dull that they didn't noticed me.

112 was facing me so I shot him first.
A clean shot in his neck.

I knew the weak points of this uniform too much.
I pulled back as 74 fired some shots into my direction. I could basically hear his heavy breathing.

The sound of his heavy uniform as he kneeled down to his partner.
Checking if he's by any chance still breathing.

They had never listened to my lessons.

I shot back around the corner and the next shot hit his head.
He collapsed on top of his partner.

It kind of filled me with pride knowing I was still good enough.

I waved the other two over to me and slipped into the door.

The tech room was a real mess.
As always.
Vincent closed the door behind us.

„Mel I don't wanna press but what exactly is your plan?"

I shook my head and sat down.

First off I opened all electric gates.
I turned all the lights on at the base.
No one would be able to hide.

I disabled every other access to the security cameras so Graves wouldn't be able to access them from somewhere else.

I finally disable the shadow coms.
They shouldn't be able to communicate.

I grabbed the microphone of the speaker system on the base.

It made a loud noise followed by silence around the base.

„Angel 0 to base.
Angel 0 to base!
Everybody listen!"

I could see that Simon wasn't having this situation at all but he said nothing.

„Base 0 has fallen.
I repeat: Base 0 has fallen!
The time has come I get to say goodbye.
There is no saving for this base guys.
But there will be saving for you!
Listen carefully!
Phillip Graves is a horrible person.
And I know that many of you know that.
He lied to you.
He manipulated you.
He dragged you down with him.
Don't die for him.
It's not worth it!
So many of us died or got badly injured because he's a reckless psychopath who cares about nothing but himself!
You're good men.
There will be a chance for you.


Surrender and let them arrest you.
Surrender and you will get a second chance.
And these are no empty words like the ones from Graves.
I promise that you won't be harmed and will get a chance on the military if you surrender!
I swear that by my life!
You can do this.
You can chose the right path.
Don't die for someone who doesn't care about you.
This is not about what he did to me.
This is about what he did to you guys!

Let me be your Angel to guide you one last time.
Because you know even the Devil is just a fallen Angel!
And Demons are just Angels who followed the wrong path!
I'm out of here.
I'm praying to see some of you again some day.
On the right side.

Oh and this is my last warning.
I won't show mercy to the ones who stand in my way!
Farewell my Demons!"

I disabled the microphone and the whole speaking system.

Before anyone could say anything I clicked our coms.

„Angel to everyone.
I hope everyone heard what I just said through the speakers.
Order is to arrest everyone who surrenders.
They will not get harmed!
If you're not sure if someone is on our side or not please ask them if they're a demon.

When they answer:
out of the shadows into the light.
They belong to us.
Arrest them, let them help I don't care.
Anything that the situation requires.
But they will not be harmed.
I thank all of you for being here.
Please make sure everyone gets this message.
Angel over"

„From the shadows into the light?"

Simon's sarcastic tone let my head snap up.

„Graves is not stupid Simon.
We had to make sure he doesn't suspect anything and still be able to connect somehow.
I made sure everyone knows his lies.
And with that I managed to gather a large group that is willing to change.
And I wanna give them this chance"

„Now I get your name."

His sarcasm had changed into something thwt looked and sounded like adoration.
I smiled softly and nodded.

„Alright let's leave this shit hole"

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