Shadow 0

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My heart was pounding.
I had no plan.
No way to get out.
But I also had no choice.

It was them or me.
And I couldn't just let them down.

I knew he wouldn't kill me.
But if he would find them he would definitely kill them.
So the decision was easy.
Knowing what would wait for me was not that easy.

He took long.
Too long.
I klicked the radio.

„Shadow 0. I know you can hear me. And you know I hate waiting"

„I'm on my way Angel 0"

This voice.
It send shivers down my spine.
Knowing he would walk through that door any minute made me sick.

I looked on my phone.
No message from the nurses.
This was strange.
But I realised why as the door opened.

Three Shadows walked in.
The one in the middle pushing a nurse in front of him. Holding a gun to her head.
She wasn't even crying.
Of course not.

It was Becky.
One of my best.
She was really fearless.
She was one of my best friends.

Right after them followed Graves.
A cocky and satisfied grin on his face.
Our eyes locked.

I could see the satisfaction and excitement in his eyes.

„Angel. Finally. I found you. After all this time. How long is it now? 3 years?"

„4. almost exactly 4 years"

„I searched for you everywhere! I finally found you. I told you, you can't hide forever"

„I could. Because you didn't actually found me. That I'm here and you're too is a coincidence. I'm only doing this to save my hospital"

„Your hospital? Well well could have guessed that. They kept my Shadows pretty occupied"

„I sure hope so"

He grinned.

„What is that? You have me now. Why the hostage?"

I eyed him up and down.

„Oh I just wanted to make sure you would cooperate."

„I will. But I won't when you hurt any of these people yoh understand me?"

„So feisty. How I missed you."

He slowly approached the desk.
I never took my eyes off of him.

„The gun and your phone Angel."

he held out his hands.

„You know the rules."

„First I need to know if he's ok"

He frowned.



„The old doctor?"

„My friend!"

My eyes bored into him.

„He will be ok Mel. He's stable."

Becky said as one of the Shadows nudged her.
I looked over and nodded.
I handed him my gun and my phone.

„Mel you don't have to."

Becky said loud.
I hesitated.
I could see the sparks of anger in Graves eyes.

One of the Shadows hit her.
I instantly got up.
Graves snatched my gun and my phone.

„Don't you touch her! I can bloody kill you even without my gun!"

The Shadow flinched at my tone.

„Keep yourself together Shadow 10. that's not how you treat a lady."

„As if you would know"

I huffed.
He fake pouted and held out his hand to me.

„Ready Angel?"

I walked past him and ignored his hand.
He rolled his eyes annoyed.
I walked to Becky and hugged her.

„I'm so sorry. Everything will be ok. Look after them for me ok?"

I whispered softly.

„I will i promise. Please come back."

I looked at her with sad eyes.

„I'm only going when I know she's safe"

„She will be. Don't worry so much."

„Yeah. Because you're so trustworthy?"

I raised my eyebrows.

„Mmmmmmm that temper. I missed it"

He grinned.
He pulled me to his chest and stroked through my hair.
I scrunched my nose and huffed.

„Sooner or later you will give in. You know it. You belong to me. You belong to the Shadows"

„Don't be ridiculous Graves"

He frowned.

„Come on Angel"

„I don't go by that anymore"

„oh so is Mel better? Or should I call you Missy?"

My eyes shot up to him.

„How do you-„

„I find out everything hun"

I shot him an angry look.

„Is that why you disgraced them?"

„Of course. He needed to go. He was in my way"

„I don't think he will like this"

„He left you once. He will leave you again. He will forget about you"

I felt my eyes fill with tears.
Maybe he was right.
Maybe this was my destiny.

I had no time to think about it.
He grabbed my neck and I only felt something sting.

„What the-„

„Can't risk having you riot on the way back home. I'm sorry hun"

I felt dizzy.
He had injected me something.
I tried to fight it but nothing helped.


I couldn't finish.
Everything went dark.

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