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The two men showed me the base.
Phillip was actually right.
It was everything I had ever asked for.
A terrible mess because it was run by a bunch of immature men but better than the last one.

I tried to remember everything.
I hated to not know my environment.
We made our way to the big group kitchen.
It was nice and good equipped.

But it was dirtly.

God he really hired the dumbest of the dumbest.
I asked Vincent and Dustin a whole lot of questions about the base.

I really tried to make the best out of this situation.
I had to stay calm.

Throwing tantrums wouldn't help me.
I already knew that.

I knew this.
It kind of felt like these two years back then.
Except now was different.
I already knew what was waiting for me.

And it hurted even more.
Because now I had someone I would miss.

At the thought of Simon my heart clenched.
Would he search for me?
Well why would he?
And how?
They wouldn't help him.
I wasn't in the military anymore.
Not directly.
They wouldn't waste their time for a stupid nurse.

I discussed some things with Vincent and Dustin.
They actually were pretty supportive.

Well they had to be.
I knew exactly when I would complain about them they would be replaced.
But they tried everything to cheer me up at least a little bit.

We made a little list of things I needed or wanted.
I wasn't suprised that they told me that it would take a while.
Because well we were in the middle of nowhere.

It was already pretty late so they brought me back to my room.
On this floor we're only two other rooms.

As I asked Vincent he told me one was Phillips bedroom and the other were his private office.
Of course he would get me a room on his floor.

Classic Graves.

I didn't knew what went through his head with his new rules.
This wouldn't work.
How would that change anything?

I sat on my bed.
I felt empty.
I was lost.
This seemed to be my life now.
Locked up.
Forced to spend time with a man I deeply disgusted.
I stared into nothing.
Feeling warm tears steam down my face.

After some time it knocked.

„Not now"

I blaffed annoyed.
The door opened nonetheless.
Phillip walked in and closed the door behind him.
I didn't even looked up.
But I knew it was him.

„Angel what's wrong?"

he almost sounded caring.

„Is that supposed to be a serious que-„

I looked up just to see the flowers in his hands.
A small bouquet of white flowers.
He placed them in the vase on my bedside table.
I watched every move of him.

Is this how he wanted to get me?

„I don't wanna see you right now"

I said low and curled up on my bed.

„That's alright. I'm gonna give you time. But if you wanna talk or to have company my rooms down the hallway"

„Yeah I know where not to go thanks"

I said short.
He said nothing and left.
It felt too suspicious.
Since when was he this understanding and caring? Was he trying to lure me in like that?

As soon as the door had closed I sat back up.
I looked at the flowers.
They were actually pretty.
But that didn't matter.

I looked out the window.
It was a very clear night.
I could clearly see the stars.

I thought about the times when Simon picked me up from a late shift and we just sat in his truck and watched the stars.
In that moment I felt peace.

I fell asleep pretty quickly.
My body was so exhausted from all that stress.

I woke up to someone stroking over my face.
I instinctively jumped up and backed up.
I saw Phillip standing besides my bed.

„Are you insane?"

I blaffed feeling my heart pumping hard.

„I'm sorry Princess. It was too tempting. You look so peaceful sleeping"

„Yeah it's the only peace I get! You can't just watch me sleep Phillip!"

I tried to calm down and sat back on the bed.

„Oh I can"

„No you cant! You're not the only one with rules here! You won't enter this room without knocking or my permission! I can make this easy for you or cause you trouble. Don't forget that"

I said narrowing my brows.
He sighed deep.

„I thought this would come. You can't hide from me Princess"

„I'm not hiding Phillip. I want some sort of privacy. That's the only thing I ask for.
I can't sleep knowing everyone could just walk in and I don't know watch me sleep like a creep"

I rolled my eyes.

„Alright. I give you this one. Just because you seem to understand the situation better than last time. At least none of my man is in the infirmary already"

„Can still change that if you like"

I said sarcastically.
He grabbed my face hard and made me look at him.

„I expect you to behave. Understand?"

„Yes sir"

I grittet through my teeth.
I knew exactly that misbehaving and causing trouble would only bring me more trouble.
And that's what I didn't want.

What I needed was to keep me occupied.
To keep my mind from plotting anything.
I needed To act like someone I wasn't.

So I decided to clean up the whole base.
And with that I occupied almost every shadow in the base.
The good thing was they had to follow my orders.
Most of the time.
But when I wanted something I should get it.
Phillip had made that very clear.
I reorganised the whole kitchen and managed to get at least a system in the laundry.

I couldn't understand how they could run such a big base and not have any system behind something like that.

After almost a week I had organised the whole base. This also gave me a very good insight of everything.
I knew exactly where what was.

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