Base 0

350 12 0

As I woke up I felt my heart racing.
I kept my eyes shut.
I knew this feeling.

I must have been unconscious for a long time.
My lips were dry, I was terribly thirsty, my head was dizzy.

I could hear someone talk.
I recognised Philipps voice.

„Shouldn't she be awake by now?"

„Yes sir. But it depends. Maybe she hasn't eaten much or something like that. It all can influence the outcome. She will wake up eventually"

Someone said.

Luckily I knew exactly how to navigate my breathing so it looked like I was still unconscious.

„Alright we will come back later"

Phillip said and I heard them leave.
As soon as the door closed my eyes flickered open.

I blinked a couple of times.
The sun was setting outside but they had kept the light on.

How rude.
Amateurs really.

I groaned slightly.
My body felt so sore.
What medicine did they gave me?
It was probably enough to sedate a horse.

I slowly sat up despite my spinning head.
I rolled my eyes and ripped out the infusions.


They seemed to still had no good medic.
I got up and looked around.

It was a small room.
A big bed, a wardrobe, a dressing table.
Two doors.
I assumed one lead outside and one into a bathroom.
I scanned the room for anything else.


I walked up to the window.

My heart sunk.

I was in a very high building.
In a very high level.
I could see some training places on the ground, a little garden area, a shooting range.
It was a base.
Probably their base.

But what concerned me a lot was what was beond.

Everywhere I looked.
Miles and miles of forest.

No where to run.
No where to escape.
I was trapped.

Even if I would manage to escape and get out.
I wouldn't survive there.
I had no idea where to run.
Or how long it would take.

I felt my heart pound even more.
What was I supposed to do?
I felt hot tears steam down my face.
I felt hopeless.

I heard steps outside.
There was no need for pretending anymore.

Phillip entered the room and looked at me confused.

„Angel what are you doing? Lay back down!"

I roled my eyes.

„I'm fine. I think I can judge that the best"

He sighed and held up his hands.

„Alright. You know best."

„Phillip where the fuck am I?"

„Our headquarter. Welcome to base 0"

„In the middle of nowhere of course"

I muttered.

„You really thought I would risk anything? I can't have you running around Angel. You're home now"

„Home? Huh. This isn't my home. And it will never be"

„You will get used to it."

„No. No I won't Phillip."

He stepped next to me and looked out the window.

„Isn't it beautiful? Just like you wanted it to be"


„You always had ideas how to make the base better. I followed them. I made this base better. It has everything you ever asked for."

His eyes sparked.
He looked so proud.

„Huh. Interesting. And you build a tower for Rapunzel I see"

I huffed.

„I'm not gonna lock you in here if you behave Angel. You know that.
You know the rules.
You get to work and do everything you like.
As long as you follow the rules my Angel. Just like last time"

„Yeah yeah. I get it. Disobey the rules and lose your privileges. I know."

I waved off and walked back to the bed.

„Exactly. You're so smart. But sadly so stubborn. So you know the rules. I only added a few more"

I looked back at him.
He couldn't be serious.

„Do I even wanna know?"

„Of course. So you know I'm not gonna force you to share a room with me.
You will get this one.
You can ask for what you want my man will organise it.

„Of course there's a but"

I muttered.

„When I'm not out on missions we will have at least one meal together. I don't care if it's breakfast, lunch or dinner. It depends on my work schedule."

I rolled my eyes again.

„Second new rule.
I will see and hear everything.
You will tell me everything.
You know my shadows are loyal.
They will notice everything and they will tell me.
So don't try and hide anything from me.
You tell me when you feel off or sad or happy or anything."

„I'm feeling pissed of"

I huffed.
He smiled sarcastically and continued.

„Next new rule.
We will have a date at least once a week.
Of course when I'm not on mission.
But otherwise we will spend time together.
I will not have you distance yourself from me and make little friends along my shadows like last time"

My eyes bored into his.
He couldn't be serious.

„Phillip you cant force me to like you. This won't work"

„We'll see about that Angel. Please rest now.
Shadow 5 and 6 are assigned to assist you. If you need something you ask them. They will get you anything you want."

I sat down on the bed.
I felt defeated.
Like an animal in a zoo.

„Don't look like that pretty girl. You will get used to it"

He grinned.
He tapped on the door and it opened.
Two men stepped in.

One tall blonde one and one shorter with slightly red hair.
I didn't knew them.
This weren't the shadow 5 and 6 that I used to know.

„What happened with Brody and Alex"

„They have risen in rank. And I'm not gonna risk you luring them in once again."

I ignored Phillip and looked at the two men.

„What are your names? And I'm not gonna call you 5 and 6. forget it"

I said sharp.

„Dustin ma'am"

„Vincent ma'am"

„You quit the ma'am right away. I'm Mel. Understood?"

„Yes ma- ehm Mel"

The blonde one said stuttering.
since I had never seen them they must be relatively new.

„Alright Dustin and Vincent. Can someone organise me something to eat? I'm starving"

They both looked at Phillip.

„I told you the rules. Since now she did nothing out of order so you can show her the base. I have a meeting now so I can't come with you"

„Oh what a shame"

I said sarcastically.

„Careful Angel"

he hissed and was out the door.

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