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Everyone cheered loud.

I couldn't believe this was it.
This was the end.
The end of this nightmare.

I stood there watching the night sky slowly getting clear again as the dusk settled.
Everyone had already started packing.
My mind was finally silent.
I hadn't had such a feeling for years.

After some time I felt big warm hands wrap around my arms.
I instinctively flinched but relaxed as I realised Simon.

„It's just Me"

He said low.
I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist.
He pressed me tight against him.

„It's over right? This is real?"

„It is Missy. It's over."

He sounded somehow relieved but also concerned.
But I didn't wanted to think about it.
I buried my face into his chest.

„Let's go home love. This was all very much for you"

I laughed slightly and looked up to him.
He frowned slightly at the sight of my glassy eyes.

„Simon I think you underestimate me. I'll be fine."

„This is no joke. You endured something no one should."

„Can we just go home please. I don't want to think about this right now."

He nodded but I could see that he wasn't happy with this at all.

I knew the normal procedure after something like this. But this wasn't my first time.
And this time I wouldn't have to hide anymore.
I was free.
I could live my life like I wanted to.

But what was it that I wanted?

Do I want to return to the hospital?

I loved it there and this was somehow my family.
But after all I was born for the military.
I was a medic.
But that wasn't a thing to decide right now.

All that mattered was that I returned home.

Getting back home was a long trip.
Simon didn't leave my side one second.
He was like magicaly attached to me.
Eying everyone up and down who even got one step to close to me.

I didn't cared for anything anymore.
This feeling I had.
I just couldn't describe it.
My whole life had been filled with being carful, hiding, worrying.
All this was gone.

They bought us to the base back home.

I had a lot of talks wird medics and therapists and high rank officers.

But I was tired.

After saying I'm fine for the millionth time I looked dead up to the men I was speaking to.
It was a very high ranked officer and by the way everyone acted around him he was a very important person.

But I just couldn't care less anymore.

„Excuse me sir but I wanna go home.
I already said I'm fine.
And with all respect but I really couldn't care less"

Everyone was silent.
I could see the distressed look on Price face behind the man.
The man looked down to me with an unreadable expression.
I had prepared myself for some kind of scolding.
But then he smiled.

„I'm sorry Miss Gibson.
You're absolutely right.
You've been away from home long enough I think."

He looked to Simon who was still behind me.

„Lieutenant Riley.
Make sure this young lady gets her rest"

„Yes sir"

Simon answered firm.
The man patted my shoulder and squeezed it slightly.

„You know Miss Gibson.
You're one of the bravest woman I ever met.
I knew Graves very well.
Standing against him like this is really incredible.
You achieved something big here."

„Thank you sir.
But please quit the Miss Gibson.
That's not even my real name. I'm Mel."

He smiled warm and nodded.

„Well then you're excused Mel. Get some rest"

I smiled slightly.
As we left the base Simon squeezed my hand slightly.

„So that's not even your name huh?"

I blinked confused.

„Of course not. You really think I hide in another city and in another life but keep my name?
I'm not that stupid"

He laughed slightly.

„Of course not."

I gave him a little smile and laughed.

„You read my files right?"

„Of course over and over"

„So did you find my name anywhere in them?"

He went silent for a bit.

„No. just your callsign"

„Right. Laswell had my name removed from everything.
Angel is a legend.
A rumour.
Something they tell story's about.
My name was erased.
No one should find me.
No one should find Melissa Gibson.
I simply don't exist"

I looked down.

„Oh you do.
And you will.
You're more than Angel.
You're more than Melissa Gibson.
You're everything to me.
Under wich name that may be"

I smiled slightly.

„It's still Melissa"

I said low.
I looked at the sky.
A few clouds painted in a deep orange by the sinking sun.

„Just Melissa.
I don't want to be the old me.
This name is connected to pain and fear.
I'm here and I'm me and that's all that matters"

„How about Riley?"

I blinked slightly and looked up to him.
This look in his eyes was new.
His warm brown eyes shimmered.
He was scanning my face and continued as I just stared at him.

„I love you Missy.
And I don't care what your name is.
But I would love to give you one that brings you comfort.
So I could always make you a Riley"

I thought that he must be able to hear my heartbeat.

„I would love to be a Riley some day"

I whispered smiling.
He stroked over my face and smiled bright.

„you know the courthouse is open till 7 right?"

My eyes widened.

„Wait what?"

He shrugged and placed a kiss on my forehead.

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