Getting comfortable

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I woke up dizzy.
My fever must have gotten better but I still felt weak.
I looked up and saw Phillip.

Peacefully sleeping.
His arms still wrapped around me.
I remembered the last day and sighed.

This wasn't supposed to happen.
But here I was.

And then I thought why not.
Why torture myself when I could get him to do what I wanted.
All I needed right now was comfort.
And he would give me just this.

After all he was still the same.
And when I felt better everything would go back to normal.
But I couldn't deny that that was what I needed right now.

So I closed my eyes again and nuzzled back onto him. He instinctively pulled me tighter.
And in my head it wasn't even him.

In my head it was Simon.

Alone the thought made me smile.
Just pretend Mel.
I drifted back into sleep.

I dreamed of all the beautiful moments between Simon and me.
What quickly driftet into thought about how he had left me.

Doubts started to haunt me.
Did he mean it as he said he loved me?
Did they even manage to clear all this?
Was anyone searching for me?
Probably not.
No one would search for me.

I slowly woke up again.
This time I was alone.
I sat up a bit and looked around.

I hadn't noticed anything about his bedroom last night.
It was small.
A big bed, a large wardrobe and some bookshelves.

I rubbed my eyes.
He had nearly closed the blinds so it was rather dark in the room.
The only light came from the door.
And as I looked over he walked in the room.
His face lit up as he saw that I was awake.

„My Princess. You're up. How do you feel?"

He sat next to me on the bed.
Only then I noticed the mug in his hands.

„Uhm I don't know. A bit better but still exhausted"

I groaned.

„Here I made you Tea"

I took it and took a sip.
I scrunched my nose.

„Oh ehm can I have sugar?"

„Oh yes of course"

he hurried back and came back with sugar.
He watched me pour a lot of sugar in my tea.
I drank some more and shifted uncomfortably.

„Ehm thanks."

„You can stay if you like of course. I said I take care of you and I will"

He looked so proud of himself.
In general he seemed too excited about all this.

„Thank you. I feel better when I'm not alone. But Phillip?"

„Yes my Angel?"

„This doesn't change anything! Don't forget that"

He sighed and smiled.

„Yeah of course. Just relax."

I eyed him suspiciously.
It was rare that he wouldn't argue about that.
But I took it like that and leaned back.
He looked at me and smiled.


„You look good in my clothes"

„ugh stop!"

I rolled my eyes but felt how I blushed.
What the hell.
I couldn't just blush about his words!
HIS words!

I burried my face into the mug.
But his big grin told me he had seen me blush.

I actually stayed the next two days.
I was too weak.
He brought me food and tea.
Everything I asked for.
He read to me or gave me a head massage till I could fall asleep again.

I in general slept a lot.
As I felt better I returned to my own room.
After that I kind of stopped to completely distance me from him.
I tolaratwd him as long as he treated me good.
And he did.
He made the whole thing really easy.
Even when we still had times we would argue.

Mostly because of work.
He was very strickt and not always treated his shadows with respect.
I hated it.
More than anything else.

We often started screaming at each other and it ended almost every time in him taking a privilege from me.
He loved to demonstrate his power.
This were the times I was painfully reminded of my situation and who he really was.

But this was actually a few times.
All in all it was bearable.

After about the 10th month I felt a little more comfortable around him.

It was ice cold outside.
There was even some snow.

I just came back from training some rookies outside.
I was freezing.
I passed Phillips door as a thought hit me.
I turned around and knocked.

„Diddnt I tell you to-„

His face shifted to suprise as he saw me.

„Oh Angel. It's you. What a nice surprise. How can I help you"

„I'm not even gonna ask who you wanted to yell at"

I grinned.

„Anyways. I wanted to ask something"

„Sure anything"

„So I'm really cold and I wanted to take a bath but your bathtub is way bigger and cooler than mine. Can I take yours?"

I smiled sweet and gave him big puppy eyes.
He grinned and laughed.

„Of course my Angel! I have a meeting later but I don't mind if you come here. You can use the bathtub whenever you want my Angel."

„Great! Thanks"

I said smiling and bursted past him inside his appartment.
He laughed slightly.

„You know where everything is? Just take what you need"

I nodded.
He grabbed his keys and smiled back at me.

„Alright warm up properly. Don't want you getting sick again"

I rolled my eyes and waved off.

„yeah yeah. Nice meeting"

„Yeah it will be great. I probably won't stop thinking about you in my bathtub"

he sighed and was out the door.
I looked after him a bit and then looked around in his apartment.
He really left me alone here.
An idea sparked through my head.
I looked back at the door and then grinned.
Let's see what he has in here.

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