Just listen!

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As the mission came I was so excited.
Getting out of here.
Seeing something else.
After one year.

They blindfolded me on the way out.
It was stupid.
Who was I supposed to tell.

We had build a small operation base in an old factory building.

Phillip had chosen it.

I was putting up some stuff with Vincent as I noticed old barrels that were laying around.

„I thought this was an empty factory"

„Hm maybe they abandoned this shit"

Vincent shrugged.
I stepped closer and I rolled my eyes.

„Fucking hell"

„What is it?"

„This is kerosene. This shit is all over the place. When someone shoots as us we will blow up"

I scrunched my nose.

„That explains why it smells like this here"

„Damn. That's bad"

„This idiot"

„Mel no. He's already pissed today he won't listen"

He tried to hold me back.
But my blood was boiling.
How could he be so unreasonable.

„I don't give a shit"

I stomped over to him and slammed my hands on his desk.
He didn't even broke the conversation he had with another shadow.


„Not now"

„Yes now!"

„No! Your bullshit can wait"

„Phillip this is important!"

He looked me dead into the eyes.

„Not now! Shove off and do some medic stuff or something like that"

I clenched on the desk.
I decided that I would try later.

One of the biggest mistakes in my life.

I walked back to Vincent.

„Fucking hell. If someone dies here because of that I'll kill him with my bare hands"

I muttered.
Vincent Dustin and me set up my stuff in another corner.

I tried to talk to Phillip in the evening but he wouldn't listen.

I stomped outside and sat down on a small wall staring up into the sky.

I almost sat there the whole night.
I couldn't sleep.

After some time Vincent sat down next to me.

„Can't sleep?"

„Nah. And I like the sky. It reminds me of happier times"

„It reminds you of him?"


I sighed.
I had talked a few times about Simon.
I knew I could trust dustin and Vincent.

„How do you manage to still miss him after a year?"

„I love him Vince."

„But he left you"

„It doesn't matter.
He wasn't selfish.
He did it because he thought I would be better of without him.
Even if it hurts.
I have never met someone like Simon.
I could be myself.
Feel free.
Feel loved.
Without talking to much.
Without asking to much.
Everything was just self explanatory"

Vincent looked at me.

„I hope I find someone like this some day"

„Not when you're here"

I said sad.

„I know"

„You two regret it right?"

„Yes. But it's to late. We're higher ranks. We won't get out."

„I'm so sorry."

„Don't be. We did this to ourselves. You're here against your will."

„And I will find a way to leave. I won't give up"

We sat there the whole night.
Just stargazing.
It was a piece of peace.

The next day was quite busy.

Some shadows had returned injured from the enemy's base.
I had all hands full with patching them up.

As I finished I stepped outside to report to Phillip.

Right as I reached him things went down.

Gun shots.
A lot.
And even more.
They had brought everything.
Everyone was running and hiding.

I looked around panicked.
Phillip tried to pull me away.

„Come here! Where do you go?"

I was already heading back.
Panic filling me.

„There are people still inside! Dustin is in there!"

„And ? They're safe! Hide!"

„The barrels Phillip!"


„The fucking barrels!"

I blindly ran inside.
I screamed at the people to leave the building.
I searched for Dustin.
I knew he was here.
I wouldn't go without him.

People were running past me.
As I heard Phillip.

„Angel come back! Now!"

„I'm not leaving without him!"

„What do you mean?"

I didn't listen.

One detonation.
Two detonations.
Some of the building was crumbling.

Finally I saw him.
Running out of a room.

The room where we initially wanted to set up the infirmary.

There were a lot of barrels.

I ran towards him.


„No Mel no!"

He picked up the pace.
More shots.
Behind him.



I ran into his arms.
Pulling him back.
Right before everything behind him exploded.

Everything went bright and then dark.
I couldn't hear anything.
I couldn't see anything.

But I could feel.

He had pushed his body over mine in an attempt to protect me.
But nonetheless I was hurting.

All I could see was blood.
All I could feel was pain.
I screamed.

„dustin! Dustin! No!"

I could hear rambling and shouting.

„DUSTIN! Wake up!"

His unconscious body was laying on me.
I couldn't even move.

„Angel! Angel! Fuck! Find her! Get her here"

I could hear Phillip shout.

„Help! HELP!"

I shouted deep out of my lungs.
It was the last thing I could.
I could feel my strength slipping.
My consciousness fading.


I said weak.

Why had this happened.
If only Phillip had listened!

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