That's enough

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But it was hard.
Two days could be so long.

The next day I got ready for work.
Slipping into this shitty uniform.
This old worn out tag.

-Angel 0-

I hated everything about it.
It was a quiet day.
No injuries, just some check ups.

I was glad.
I had no nerves for anything more.

I took a walk over the base and over the training fields.
I saw Merlin training some rookies and walked over.

„Hey Merlin."

„Oh hey Mel. Everything alright? You look tired"

„Oh don't worry."

I shrugged.

„Date night?"

he asked knowing that i always hated that.


I nodded.

„I'm so sorry. I wish I could help. Believe me"

„Some day Merlin. You will be able to help me some day."

I smiled up to him.
He suddenly reached over to me.
He was just fixing something on my tag.
It was sitting crooked.

„Oh let me just"

I smiled bright and looked up to him.
He was really one of the nicest guys here.
Always trying to help.
It was such a shame that he fell for Graves lies.

„What do you think you're doing?"

Merlin jumped at the aggressive tone.
Graves voice came from right behind us.
I took a deep breath.
This was not good.

„He was just fixing my tag Phillip. No big deal"

I turned around just to look into his enraged face.
This was really not good.

„I don't care. He shouldn't be touching you!"

„Phillip he fixed my tag. Calm down."

„Don't tell me what to do!"

„I'm sorry but you're making it bigger than it is"

He stepped even closer to me and looked down.

„So you wanna take the blame?"

„Sir I'm sorry if I overstepped a boundary"

„Merlin shut up. You did nothing wrong! Phillip don't start this. Nothing happened."

His eyes bored into mine.
He was pissed.
Not necessarily because of this situation but he was searching for someone to take his anger out on.
And suddenly he found one.

„Why are you not wearing the necklace?"

I rolled my eyes.

„Phillip we are not allowed to wear jewellery with the uniform"

„you're an exception! Wear it!"

„It would break Phillip!"

„don't argue with me"

„I'm not-„

His hand in my hair pulling my head back to look up to him.
The pain stinging through my head.

„I said don't argue with me"

„Phillip you're hurting me."

I pressed out from my teeth.

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