
341 9 1

It was late.

Simon had already drank a lot.
Not enough to numb the pain.

Still sitting on his desk.
A complete chaos spread across his desk.
Every file possible opened.

He had read every one of them a 100 times.
Trying to find her.
Trying to find a hint.

He rubbed over his face.
He was a mess.
He hadn't really eaten in days.
Not showered.
Not slept.

It seemed like a never ending nightmare.

He looked at the little plushie of a black cat Mel had gifted him once.

The sparkle in her eyes as she explained that the cat reminded her of him.
He fought his tears.

It felt like he had lost a part of himself.

He got pulled out of his thoughts.
His phone was ringing.
Who the hell was calling this late?

He looked at the display.
He didn't knew this number.

When this was about Johnny again.
He swore himself this time he would actually kill him.


He blaffed into the phone.


His heart stopped.
He hadn't drunken that much had he?
Was he hallucinating?
This couldn't be!

„Simon! Simon are you there?"


„Simon! Oh my god."

„Tell me this is real. I am not hallucinating right?"

„No no! It's me! I swear! Si it's me! Please I don't have much time!"

This time he couldn't hold back his tears.
This was her.
She lived.
He could hear her.

„Si listen! I need to tell you some things. I don't have much time"

He blinked.
Suddenly his head was clear.
As if he had never even touched a drop of alcohol.

He brushed all things from his desk and got out something to write.

„Tell me Missy. Everything."

„Alright listen."

She told him specific coordinates.
A detailed plan of the base.
A quick break down of the staff.
A couple of other important informations.

„I don't know how, but please get me.
I can't take it anymore."

Her broken voice echoed through his head.

„I will get you.
And when I have to burn everything down! Nothing can stop me I promise"

He could hear her sigh.
After a second of silence she spoke again.

„I love you Simon."

He couldn't help but smile slightly.

„I love you Missy"

The call ended.
He stared at his phone.
He needed some seconds to realise what just had happened.

After a couple of minutes of staring at his phone and back at the paper with the information he shot up.

The paper clenched in his hand he stormed down the halls of the base.

He knew Price would be still in his office.
He always was.
He almost kicked in his door.

„Good god Simon what the hell"

„I got her"

Price raised his eyebrows.


Simon slammed the paper on Price desk.

„I got her John! I know where she is! We need to get her!"

Price picked up the paper.
His face went serious.

„Where did you get this Simon."

„She called me.
She finally got he chance to contact me John!"

His heart was racing.
He wanted to just do something.

„What if this is a trap Simon"

Simon shook his head.

„No no. It was her. I know it."

Price sighed.

„Alright calm down. We will check these informations and make a plan. This looks not so easy"


„Simon please.
We can't just storm in there.
We need to be careful.
We need to make sure she is in there and safe."

Simon nodded defeated.
He knew Price was right.

Even though he just wanted to find this location immediately and just run in there.

Knowing where she was.
Exactly where she was and not being able to do something just jet killed him even more.

But there was hope.
After all this time.

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