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One year had passed.
He had still no sign.

They had taken down five different bases of the shadows.
Still no sight of her.

Simon slowly driftet of.
He drank more often.
He slept less.

Not even Johnny could do anything.

He was glad that Laswell had agreed to do anything to find her.
And they wouldn't stop.
No matter what.
But his hope faded.

He went to her apartment every week.
Watering her plants.
Dusting everything off.
He thought when it looked like she wasn't here it would be real.

Nightmares haunted him.

It was all his fault.
He had failed to protect her.
He would never find anyone comparable to her.
He needed her.
He couldn't live without her.

He had gotten a lot of trouble with price and Laswell because he kept getting in dangerous and careless situations.
But he didn't cared anymore.

He needed to find her.
No matter what.
No matter how.
He would raise hell if needed.


I slowly woke up.
Still hearing the screams and explosions.
But it was silent.
Only some beeping.

They had gotten me into a hospital?

I slowly opened my eyes.
My mouth was so dry.
I had been unconscious for a while.

A nurse was working on an infusion as she saw I was awake.

„Miss Gibson! You're awake! How great!"

He smiled sweet and left.
She was probably getting  a doctor.

I looked around.
I was wrong.
I wasn't in a hospital.

I was in my room.
Of course he would have brought everything here.
I would have had the chance to escape out of a hospital.

I tried to get up.
But I felt weak.

The images of Dustin laying over me flooded my brain. Warm tears puddled in my eyes.

The doors swung open and Phillip stormed in followed by a doctor.

I had already sat up and wanted to get up.

„No no no" 

Phillip wanted to push me back down.
I pushed him back.
Pure hate and disgust In my eyes. 

„Don't fucking touch me"


„shut up! Where is he?"

he sighed deep.

In the door I could see the sad face of Vincent.

„Vince....please. Where is he?"

„Lay down! You're not strong enough"

Phillip blaffed.
My eyes shot to him.

„You're more important."

„He's a child Phillip!
He's only 21!
And it's your fucking fault!
So don't you dare talk to me"

I spat back.
I could see the rage in his eyes that I wasn't submitting.

I slowly got up and stumbled to the door.

„Miss please you shouldn't."

„How long?"

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