Lets start

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I closed my eyes leaning onto Simon.
My body was still shaking from all the adrenaline.

He rubbed my arms up and down but it helped nothing.
After like 20 minutes Vincent came back.
In his hands a bag not only filled with my uniform.
He had brought us guns and coms.

I changed into my uniform.
Both Vincent and Simon turned around while I did.
I laughed slightly.

„Simon you saw me naked probably more often than with clothes and Vincent you're gay"

„Well I don't think it's appropriate for me since your boyfriend stands right next to me. If I'm gay or not"

Vincent said a tone too serious.

„It feels wrong Missy. Not in this situation"

Simon actually sounded sad.

I got dressed and secured the gun on my belt.
It felt weird.
It had been so long since I properly wore a gun and a uniform like this.

Graves had never let me wear one.
Of course not.
He knew I was too good with one.
Why take the risk?

I exhaled and looked up.
Simon had turned back around.
His look more than concerned.

„are you sure you can do this? I can contact Gaz or Price and they will get you out just as they start"

„Simon it's ok. This is my fight. I will end this."

„Fine. But be careful. I can't lose you another time"

I sighed and took his face into my hands.
His face was cold as always.
His brown eyes seemed to look right into my soul.
I let my thumbs rub over his cheeks.

„You won't lose me Si. I promise. This will end."

The remaining time felt like an eternity.
We barely spoke.
Only to set a route through the building.
Beginning with the point where Simon had hid the explosives.

We waited.

Barely breathing to know exactly when to start.
Simon prepared my com and finally found the right frequency.

I could hear chatter and busy buzzing on the other side.
It got silent as also Simon's and Vincent's coms clicked in.

„Sargent? We're ready"

„Fucking hell Ghost you scared the shit out of us"

„No swearing Johnny"

„Missy!!! Holy cow I'm sorry ma'am"

„i heard three clicks"

Price sounded really pressed.

„Yes Cap. We have Vincent here. He was the other guard for Mel. We can trust him."

„Are you sure Ghost?"

„More than sure"

The look on Vincent's face broke my heart.
I knew he felt guilty.
For ever joining the shadows.
For getting this far in this company.

„Hey Vince."

I slowly squeezed his arm.

„Don't think about it. You're now one of us. You're on the right side now. We will do this together"

„Yeah Vince! Let's go mate!"

I could hear Johnny's awfully loud voice through the coms.
A bright smile crossed my face.
Something about all this gave me a really good feeling.

„Alright you lot. 5minutes. Better get ready"

„Always ready Soap"

„Haven't expected anything different"

We sneaked out the door.
It wasn't a long way to the point where Simon had hid the explosives.

The corridors were empty.
They all must have lead Graves on a track far away from the infirmary.

Simon walked first, then me, then Vincent.

No one said a thing.

We finally reached the storage room.
Each of us took a bag.
They were heavy.
This had to be enough explosives to turn this place into ashes.

„Let me guess this was Johnny's idea?"

I mumbled towards Simon.

„You bet. This is like Christmas for him"

I grinned slightly.
All this Adrenalin and the whole situation made me kind of excited.

I wasn't scared anymore.
Not one bit.

„Ey Simon how do we know when they-„

Vincent's words were cut off by very loud rambling outside.
We peaked out some windows.

I was like the whole military was storming this building.
I smiled even brighter.

„Like that. Now keep moving and watch your steps"

I looked over to Simon.
He was wearing his skull mask.
He sounded really different.
He was in tactical mode.

We sneaked around the basement and prepared the explosives.
Right after we finished Simon wanted to head out.
It was awfully quiet on the floors.
Everyone had stormed out to protect the base.

„Simon wait. I need to do one thing more"

He looked back.
I could see in his eyes he really didn't liked it.

„Were done. We need to go"

„Simon let me do this"

„Now is not the-„

„I will go with or without you"

My voice was sharp.
I had a plan and I wouldn't go before I did this.

„Missy really-„

„No. this is my duty as their medic!"

We all ducked as we heard gun shots not far away.

„Fine let's go. I'm behind you."

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