Its over

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After a bit of a discussion Johnny finally let me down.
We walked over to the others and they brought me to a truck right behind the broken down fence.

It was like a small medic truck.

„I'm fine I don't need medical attention"

„Just let them check"

„Johnny I think l would know if I'm injured!"

„Yes she would definitely"

I looked up.
Around the truck walked Price followed by Laswell.
I hadn't seen her in so many years.
I instantly shook of Johnny's hands and ran towards her.
I almost jumped onto her arms.

„Kate! You came!"

„You doubted that? Oh Angel. Of course I came."

She patted my head and smiled.

I began to sob.
She pulled me back and looked at me.

„Hey hey.
Look at me.
It's over.
Absolutely over.
And that thanks to you.
It was easy.
Look at all these men that not only surrendered immediately.
They offered to help.
All because and more importantly for you!
You earned your name for a reason!"

I looked back.
All the soldiers were mixed with shadows.
Everyone talking and laughing.

She was right.
I did that.
I did it!
I was free!

I then spotted Merlin.
Sitting in the small medic truck.
I completely forgot Kate and ran to him.

„Merlin! Merlin! Are you ok?"

„Ey ey ey slow down there. I'm alright Mel. Don't worry"

I inspected his face.
He looked bad but nothing that wouldn't heal.

„Ey Mel look at me."

I snapped out of my thoughts.

„They have good medics here. You don't need to do that. Rest. It's over."

I looked at the young woman who was standing nervously next to me ready to take care of him.
She looked at me like I were a unicorn.

„Oh yes I'm sorry"

„No need to be sorry ma'am"

she smiled.
She had this warm and sweet aura.
Exactly what a good medic needed in such situations.
This filled my heart wird so much hope.
This was what I had always loved so much about my job.

I stepped back outside.
Laswell was smiling and shaking her head.

„Let her work in peace. And maybe talk to her later. You're like her idol."

I blinked confused.

„Mel you're like a legend.
You were the best medic I ever had.
And I still teach everything after your methods"

I blinked again.


„Don't. Just rest. When Ghost comes back we're leaving,"

„Ey mel! Come here!"

Johnny was screaming over the whole people.
He jumped and waved.
It looked hilarious.

I walked over.
Getting approving nodds and greetings from the people around me.

„What's up Johnny?"

„Wait first of all let me just -„

He whipped out a peace of fabric and grabbed my face.

„Johnny what are you doing?"

„You're full of blood. You look ridiculous"

„Have you seen yourself?"

He just laughed and tried to get rid of the blood.
He hesitated as my scars showed.
But he said nothing.

„Johnny is that what you wanted really?"

„No no I want you to have the first row view when I blow this building up!"

„But aren't we supposed to wait for Simon? What if they are near the building?"

„Nah I saw him dragging Graves into the forest so we're safe"

I shook my head but still I had to think about Simon. He took awful long.


„Always Johnny"

Johnny alarmed everyone over the coms and counted down from 10.

At 3 I heard my com click.

„I'm comming Missy. It's over"

My heart jumped.


I watched how the large building in front of us collapsed.

Large dusk clouds darkening the fresh night sky.

It was over.

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