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The drive wasn't even long.
It was a bar not far away.
I knew the bar very well.
I sometimes came here with some of my colleagues.

I could already see the guy the whole thing was about.
He looked terrible.

Simon instantly jumped out of the truck and grabbed him by the collar.

This man was tall.
I wasn't short myself with my 5'7.
But I still had to look up to him.

When Simon was about 6'5 he had to be at least 6'3.
The guy was broad, brown hair and blue eyes.
And a neatly styled hyrokese.

His nose was bloody, he had a bad cut on his eyebrow and his lip.
He wasn't as drunk as I had expected.
He instantly started to argue with Simon.

„Johnny are you insane? What have I told you about that bullshit?"

„Oh shut up Simon! He deserved it! I only defended the pride of a lady!"

„You're stupid that's all!"

I cleared my throat very loud and laughed.

„It wouldn't help the situation when you two fight now as well would it?"

Both their heads snapped towards me.
Simon looked confused.
Obviously he had expected me to wait in the car.

The Face of his friend lit up and he pushed Simon away from him.
He straightened his clothes bit, wich only caused that he got blood all over his shirt.
He leaned slightly down to me and grinned.

„Oh hello pretty lady. I'm John."

I laughed loud but shook his hand.

„Nice to meet you John. I'm Melissa. So would you let me take a look at that cuts? I'm sure I can help"

I said sweet.
Simon's face was priceless.
John followed me willingly back to the car.

„I have never seen him behave like that"

Simon muttered.

„You only have to know how to talk to someone like that. I have experience"

I winked.
He shook his head and pushed John in the back of his truck.
Then he helped me up.

„So who are you pretty Melissa?"

John slured from the back seat.


„She's mine"

Simon spat while eyeing John in the mirror.
John pouted and crossed his arms.

„Of course she is"

I got bright red and smiled bright.

We arrived at a small apartment complex.
Simon helped John out of the car and almost carried him in the second floor.

„John your keys"

he blaffed.
John didn't reacted.

„Johnny could you give me your keys?"

I said sweet.
He instantly whipped out some keys.
Simon roled his eyes but looked pretty impressed.

We entered a small apartment.
It looked messy but also as if it would be temporary. No decoration or really personal stuff.
Simon let John fall on the couch.
I gave him a scolding look.

„I know you're mad but that doesn't make anything better Simon."

„I could lay on your couch right now and kiss you but I'm here to help this idiot. AGAIN"

He muttered.
I sighed deep and sat on the table in front of the couch.
I snapped at John and smiled.

„Johnny? Johnny! Look at me. Come on"

He sat up and grinned at me with a crooked smile.
I got out some stuff and started cleaning his cuts.

„Mmm yeah that's broken. But nothing serious. Just be careful with that"

I said after inspecting his nose.

„You're lucky. I don't need to stitch you up"

I smiled.
John sighed and smiled.

„Thank you pretty lady"

„That's my job"

I answered and winked.

„You should sleep. I can tell you haven't drank much but you're dizzy. You got hit against the head pretty hard probably. Bed rest for a day at least mister"

„Yes ma'am"

He nodded.

„Could you help him Simon?"

Simon rolled his eyes but after a sweet look from me he dragged John away into his bedroom.
As he came back he looked really pissed.

„He just asked me if I could share. He's lucky I didn't punch him"

I giggled and shook my head.

„No need for that. You don't have to share. I heard I'm yours now"

I said nonchalant while I packed the things back into my bag.

„Well yes. Right?"

Suddenly he sounded really insecure.
I looked up and his face also looked quite insecure about that.
I got up and kissed him.

„Of course I am"

I whispered sweet.
I could feel the relief in him.

„I think he will sleep just fine. We should check up on him tomorrow but otherwise he will be just fine"

I assured him.

„The next time he does something like that I'm gonna make it worse"

Simon muttered.
I rolled my eyes but said nothing.

And we came back the next day to check on John.
He opened the door in some sweatpants and without a shirt.

No doubt he looked good but what catched my eye were the scars.
Almost as many as Simon's.
He smiled bright as he saw me.

„So it wasn't a dream"

Simon rolled his eyes and pushed him inside.

„Put some clothes on John!"

John muttered something but pulled a Tshirt over his head.

„Well thank you very much for patching me up"

„No problem. Thank Simon. He asked me to help"

John and Simon looked at each other.
I could clearly tell none of them would say thank you or sorry.
I laughed and stepped closer.
I inspected his cuts and nodded.

„Yes everything fine. Just keep them clean and you will have no problems. I don't think they will leave scars"

„Oh thank god. I don't wanna look like him"

John said sarcastically.
Simon's face shifted into anger.

„Why not? I hate the assumption that scars make someone ugly. Scars tell stories. They only show that you were stronger than something else"

I said calm and smiling.

„Never thought about it like that"

muttered John.
Simon looked at me like he had seen a unicorn or something.
We had never talked about his scars nor mine.

But I knew how it was.

How insecure it tended to make someone.
And I wanted to let him know that he wouldn't need to feel insecure.

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