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Simon couldn't get this out of his mind.

How could he have been so blind?

This was by far the biggest mistake he made in his entire life.
As soon as this was over he had to make it up to her.

He hated himself so much for this.
He should have listened to Johnny.

Johnny had told him over and over again that he should just text her and explain.
And he was right.
She would have understood.
He should have just talked with her.

And how bling he had been.
She had been in the military herself.
Of course.
Some things now made so much more sense.

All the scars.
Her strict routines.
Some of her vocabulary.
Why she never ever even questioned anything about his job.
Because she knew.
She was so incredibly smart.
He was the stupid one.

After three painful weeks they finally managed to sort things out.
They returned back to the base and finished their reports.

As Laswell got a hold of the situation between him and Mel she was furious.
She scolded him for an hour straight.

And he deserved it.

They took another two days to clear everything up.
It was exhausting and humiliating but finally everything was back to almost normal.

As soon as they got the message that they could leave he packed up his things.
Johnny catched him right before he left.

„Simon. Wait."

„I don't got the time Johnny"

„I know what you wanna do. Let me come with you"


Simon raised his eyebrows.

„I didn't trusted her back there. And I could have told her something. I was a bad friend. To you and her. I wanna apologise too"

„Johnny it's not your fault. I was sceptical too as she told us who she was. Even if I should have known. But alright. Chances are better that she doesn't kill me right away when you're with me"

Johnny smiled slightly and they got into Simon's truck.

„Are you sure she's in the hospital and not at home?"

„She's probably working over time to distract herself."

Simon said sad.
He knew her.
This hospital was not only her work.
It was her home.
With all her friends.
And her passion.

As he parked in front of the hospital they ran inside.
It was raining like hell.

It was really busy inside so they made their way to the front counter.
Luckily there was Matty.

Simon slowed down.
He was nervous.
Matty wouldn't have the best meaning of him.

„Hey uhm."

As Matty looked up his eyes went wide.
His face wasn't unfriendly but more suprised.

„Simon? What are you doing here?"

„Well uhm I wanted to talk to Mel.
We finally could settle the situation and well..."

He stopped.
Matty looked like he was about to cry.
But why?
He looked so devastated.
Matty ruffled his hair and muttered.

„Of course no one told you"

Simon's heart clenched.
This was not good.

„Told me what?"

Matty couldn't hold back anymore.
Tears were steaming down his face.
Simon noticed how exhausted he looked.
He hadn't slept in days probably.

„Tell me what??"

he reaped more urgend.

„He took her with him"

Matty said defeated.
Simon looked over to Johnny.
But he looked also as clueless as Simon.

„Who? Matty what happened here?"

In this moment a tall, brown haired woman cleared her throat.
She patted Mattys shoulder.

„Matty go and take a break please"

„Thanks Becky"

Matty left.
Simon clenched on the counter.

„Someone tell me what is going on here right now!"


She said dry.
Simon's heart shattered.


„He was here. As soon as you guys left Mel found Matty in the head office.
They had shot him. Then they discovered in which direction you guys went.
She had to decide.
You guys or her.
She chose your life."

Simon's head was spinning.
This couldn't be true.


his voice broke.
Johnny took over.

„What did Graves do to her?"

„Nothing. He wouldn't harm her.
He's obsessed with her.
He sedated her and took her with him."


Simon almost screamend.

„This is all my fault."

he ran his hands over his face.

„A lot of unfortunate coincidences. Nothing more.
She had to choose.
Your death or her imprisonment"

Becky tried to hold her posture but Simon could clearly see how broken she was.

She had chosen his life over hers.
She was crazy.
He couldn't live with that.

He would rather be dead than to know she was with this psychopath.

„Johnny we need to call Laswell. I will find her. And if it takes my whole life."

„Got it. I'll tell Price. He's gonna set up everything"

Johnny got out his phone.
Simon could see how Johnny's hands were shaking.

„Thank you Becky. These informations were good. I'm sorry that we caused all that"

Simon was about to leave.

„Wait! If you really wanna find her you need all Infos"

He turned back.

„You got more?"

„She tought us a lot. We hear everything."

„And? What else?"

„So we heard them talking about taking her to their base.
Graves said she couldn't run from there so i assume it's somewhere lonely.
He will take all her abilities to escape since she managed to get away the last time.
I heard them talk about the stuff they injected her.
She will be unconscious for a while.
They will probably travel a long time.
And he wanted to make sure she will stay in that state till they arrive. Luckily the guy with him sounded experienced because this medication isn't easy.
They left in 5 big black vans. Here I wrote down the license plates if it helps in some sort"

she handed him a note.
He took it and nodded.

„Thank you. This really helps. We will find her. I promise"

„I sure hope so. I don't think she will have a high chance on escaping herself"

Becky sighed.

„I won't rest."

Simon muttered.
Becky left to do her work.

Simon and Johnny left the hospital.
Simon's head was spinning.
This was like a nightmare.
It was all his fault.
They had to find her.
He couldn't lose her.

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