The perfect woman

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He couldn't believe his eyes as she stepped outside the building.
Even when he thought she was incredibly beautiful she even topped that right now.

He could have just looked at her the whole evening.
He had so high hopes.
She seemed really like the woman out of his dreams.

She kind of understood him without asking too much.

Maybe she would be the one.
Maybe she could handle him.
Maybe she wouldn't run away.
Maybe he could tell her some day about his job and his past and she would stay.

Of course she would.
She was perfect.

Her smile and her laughter warmed something he thought was long gone.
He could listen to her all day rambling about everything.
As long as he would hear her voice.

Everything about her screamed perfect to him.
Her shoulder length dark blonde hair was always so shiny.
Her deep blue eyes were like an ocean he wanted to drown in.
Her smile gave him goosebumps.
The way she slightly scrunched her nose while laughing.
The way she stuck out her tongue a bit when she concentrated.
The slightest hint of freckles on her nose.
And her body.

He just couldn't concentrate.
Her boobs looked softer than any pillow.
And her thighs looked like heaven.
She looked just so squishy.
He just wanted to hold her.

He couldn't understand how he got so lucky.
How he managed to get to know her.

And on the other hand he felt so guilty.

At some point he would have to tell her.
And then she would hate him.
Like every woman before.
And he would have to leave and hurt her.

It would happen at some point.
Simon prayed that this wouldn't happen this time. That she would understand.
That she would be the one woman that wouldn't leave. That she was still there when he came back.
He hadn't felt like himself for years.
And with her everything was just easy.

He had a hard time to focus on the road.
She looked amazing.
His heart was pounding.
He never felt this way.
This woman had done something to him he didn't knew would be possible.

He couldn't take his eyes off of her the whole dinner. She looked magical in the dim light.
The way she looked at him.
No one ever had looked at him this way.
For her he was no monster.
He had to make sure this stayed like this.

She talked to him like he was a normal person.
He had never enjoyed something more than this.

It was already really late as he helped her back into his truck.
She filled the silence so effortlessly.
He always had loved the silence but this was so much better.
He couldn't stop smiling.
Simon Riley smiling like an idiot.
When his team mates would see that.
They wouldn't believe their eyes.

This look she gave him as she asked if he wanted to come upstairs for some Tea.
She wanted him to stay!
He had to bring up every strength to not just jump like an idiot out of joy.

She looked so happy.
He wanted to contain that smile forever.
How could she have captured him like this?
Was this some magic shit?

He needed more of her.
So much more.
He couldn't stop staring at her lips as they talked in the kitchen.
They looked so soft.

Mid conversation she just leaned slightly onto him.
He ran his hands up and down her arms.
She was so incredibly soft.

She had taken off her shirt and Simon could see the Lacey top even better.
She looked so good.
He couldn't hold back anymore.

Mid sentence he grabbed her face and just kissed her.
For a second he thought she would pull back and slap him or something.
But she didn't.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him.

This send a wave of emotions through him.
He grabbed her waist and lifted her up.
Her legs wrapped around his waist like they were meant for that.
His hands held her steady.
She felt and tasted like heaven.

With a couple of stumbled steps and some bumbed corners he had carried her into her bedroom.

He needed more.

He kissed down her neck and her collarbone.
She slightly moaned and whined underneath him.
She was just so perfect.

Step after step they got rid of their clothes.
Seeing her naked was so overwhelming.
She was just perfection to him.
He kissed every inch of her soft body.

But he hesitated.
He could t let his feelings overwhelm him.
He didn't wanted to hurt her.

„ you really want this?"

Simon asked inbetween kisses.

„I want nothing more Simon"

she purred sweet.

„I don't want to hurt you Princess"

He whispered against her neck.
The chuckle that escaped her suprised him.
She pulled him down on the bed and climbed on top of him.
His breath got stuck in his throat.

„Don't worry you won't hurt me. Unless I want it"

she grinned.
This was so incredibly hot.

Without hesitation or a word she sat down on his dick.
Slowly but steady pushing it all inside her.
He groaned and gripped her hips tightly.
She was so tight and wet.
His mind was spinning.

She moaned loud as she sat all the way down.
He looked at her and gently squeezed her thighs.

„Are you alright Princess?"

„Oh I'm so alright"

The big grin on her face was priceless.
And the feeling as she started to ride him was unbelievable.

The sight of her bouncing up and down on his dick and moaning louder and louder was incredible.
He couldn't help but to thrust up to her now and then.
Feeling her soft body under his hands made everything just perfect.

She got faster and faster.
He thrusted up to her more and more.
His hands clenched on her hips.

„Fuck you are so perfect Princess. Look at you taking all of me"

he praised her.
He got rougher and rougher.
He couldn't hold back anymore.

„Such a good girl. You're doing great."

„More. I want more. Please"

Her little pleas fueled the burning flame in his chest.

„I don't wanna hurt you Princess"

he growled.
She just grabbed his hand, slowly moved it over her body up to her throat.
She looked down to him with big blue eyes and wrapped his hand around her throat.

„Please hurt me"

His eyes widened at her request but he smiled bright.
He tightened his grip around her throat.
The loud moan and the satisfied smile on her face were perfect.
He thrusted up into her harder and harder.
She got louder and louder.
He couldn't hold it any longer, and he could feel how close she was.

„I want you to come for me Princess. Be a good girl"

His words seemed to trigger something in her.
She screamed and he could feel her clenching around his dick.
She was panting and whining until she kept looking deep into his eyes.

„Please come inside me. Please."

He groaned deep at that request.

„Are you sure?"


And how could he say no to that.
He grabbed her hips and pressed her deep down on his dick the moment he came.
She moaned loud and a satisfied smile crossed her beautiful face.
She almost collapsed on top of him.
He wrapped his arms around her and stroked her hair.

„You did so good. You are so perfect"

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