Finally me

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And Simon was right.
I should and could do it.

The moment I sat down to get ready for the party I decided to not hide anymore.
I did some light make up and a casual outfit.
Even tho this party was about me and Simon I didn't wanted to draw all the attention towards me.
That wasn't my thing.

I really felt comfortable

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I really felt comfortable.
What was a first in a really long time.
Even tho my scars were pretty visible.
After Phillip had always directed what I wear and what I do it was hard to find back who I really was.
My whole life felt like a lie.

Who was I? Or who do I wanted to be?

I walked out of the bedroom into the living room where Simon was waiting for me.
I had to make a double take as I saw him leaning on the kitchen counter.

„You wanna go like this? Damn I think I need to write married on your forehead."

I grinned.
He looked up confused.


„You look good Simon"

I laughed at his absolutely puzzled expression.

He instantly had that bright grin on his face

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He instantly had that bright grin on his face.

„Well you don't need to worry ma'am. Because I'm married to the most beautiful woman on this planet"

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

I raised my eyebrows.

„Only this planet huh?"

I bursted out in loud laughter as I saw the pure horror and panic in his eyes.
He pinched my sides and made me squirm in his grip.

„You little-„

„Simon stop! Please. Si!"

I almost cried from laughter.
His grip tightened and he pressed me firm against his chest.
I looked up to him still laughing.

„You have the absolute utmost perfect smile i have ever seen. I still can't believe I met you.
As much as I wish life would have been easier for you I'm so glad you were in that hospital that day.
And I'm so grateful you forgave me for my absolute horrible behaviour."

I smiled warm and nodded.

„Well it was absolutely horrendous.
But I understand why you did it si.
I wasn't the best either. I should have told you about my past sooner. Maybe all this wouldn't have happened"

„It's not your fault Missy. And it never was."

„I know"

My voice broke silent.
He gently grabbed my face and kissed me.

This kiss seemed to last forever.
And I didn't wanted it to end.
Never ever.
Until he gently pulled back and smiled.

„We're going to be late"

He whispered against my lips.

„I wouldn't mind if this wasn't about us"

I chuckled slightly.
He groaned and nodded.

„I should have said no to Johnny."

„Oh come on. It won't be that bad."

„It's Johnny. It will be horrible"

„There is my grumpy Simon again. AHHH yes"

I grinned and pinched his cheeks.
He rolled his eyes but simply swirled me around and pushed me to the door.

„Let's go Miss Riley"

I held out my hand and grinned.

„Always ready Mister Riley"

He grabbed my hand and we left my apartment.

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