So sorry

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I went to change real quick and tried to at least not look as wasted as I felt.

As I walked out of the hospital Simon was already waiting for me.
I had the biggest smile in history as I saw Simon standing there with some flowers.

He held them out to me with the biggest grin.

„Here they're for you. I saw them and thought you might like them"

„They are beautiful Simon!"

I got bright red and took them.

We walked through the city to the coffee shop.
We talked the whole afternoon.
I discovered that he was actually pretty funny.

We had the same humour, same taste in music, same interest in books.

It was so easy and so comforting to talk to him.
He kind of dodged the question about his job.
He said it would be complicated and there wasn't really a name for it.
He would be away some times but never too long.
This topic seemed to make him uncomfortable so i didn't asked more.
I was in no place to ask further.

He told me how he admired the good work I did.
That warmed me inside out.
I loved my job and it always made me happy when this was appreciated.

As it got darker he walked me home.
He said it would be on his way home but I didn't knew if I could believe that.
I think he would have done it even if his way home would have been on the other direction.

In front of my apartment complex he wished me a good night with a simple kiss on the cheek.
I really hadn't expected such a great evening.
But I tried to stay calm.

Everyone was nice and sweet at the beginning.
I had seen this with the last guy I dated.
He turned out to be a real psycho.
I had to get a restraining order against him.

I noticed that Simon wasn't much of a Texter.
At least I thought so.
The whole weekend he barely texted me.
What I didn't minded.
I had hands full with a busy schedule.
I hated weekend shifts.

On Monday I was kind of excited.
Simon was supposed to come in for the check up.

But the longer I waited the more sad I got.
He didn't showed up.
Even Matty noticed how disappointed I was.

„I'm sure there's a reason for this."

He tried to calm me down.
At some point I only got mad.
He could have at least shown up just for his arm.
He shouldn't be so reckless.

Right before I ended my shift I decided to write him.

I shoved my phone into my pocket and made my way back home

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I shoved my phone into my pocket and made my way back home.
I didn't even stopped to get some Tea.
I didn't knew why I was so disappointed.
Maybe I liked him more than I thought.

The next day I saw that he texted me back in the middle of the night.

 Now I was even more intrigued what his job was

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Now I was even more intrigued what his job was.
But it was still not my place to ask.
I decided to just leave it and wait til he would come back.
I didn't felt like answering.
I didn't wanted it to affect me that much.

The next two weeks were really hard.
I worked a lot over time and we had a lot of emergency's.
But I worked my ass off always with the thought in my head that after this week I had finally two weeks off.

My last day was a Saturday.
The shift was horrible.
There had been a huge storm the last days and the injuries were huge.
It was still pouring outside.
My mood was already bad.
Even though I knew I had free time now.

As I stepped outside I sipped my pink rain jacked up and sighed.

I thought for a moment I would hallucinate from the lack of sleep.

In the parking lot, leaning on a big truck, with an umbrella and two cups in his hand was Simon.
He actually looked as wasted as me.

I made eye contact with him over the parking lot.
I did my best to not smile like an idiot.
I was still kind of mad.

I walked over and stopped a couple steps away.
He instantly closed the distance and held the umbrella over me.
He looked hella guilty.

„Listen I'm sorry. I had to leave pretty last minute. I wanted to tell you but I had no chance."

He held out the cups.

„I got you Tea. And if you let me I would drive you home. You don't have to walk home in this weather"

I took the Tea and looked up to him.

„Did you let someone look at the cut?"

„Yes I did! And I took the medication. And it's way better"

I raised my eyebrows and took a sip from the Tea.
It was just the way I liked it.
I smiled slightly.

„It's alright Simon. I'm not mad. I was a bit disappointed as you didn't showed up but I'm not mad. I don't know what your job is but it sounds important."

He sighed slightly and relaxed a little.

„It is. I'm sorry I can't tell you more. Believe me."

„It's ok. You don't have to."

„Can I bring you home?"

„Actually could you do me a favour?"

I asked sweet.

„Sure anything"

„Well I wanted to buy a new bookshelf. I initially wanted to do it today but I can't in this weather because I have no car. Could you come with me and help me bring it home?"

His face lit up.

„Of course! I can also help putting it up if you like"

I smiled bright.

„That would be awesome"

„Then. Let's go"

He held open the passenger door for me.
He had to help me in because his truck was very high.

Every bad feeling about all this was gone.
Seeing that he was willing to apologise was enough for me.
Still I was so intrigued what his job would be.
I had a slight feeling but I couldn't quite confirm my thoughts.

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