Run and hide

308 11 1

His kiss got even more demanding and aggressive.
His one hand had a firm grip on my neck.
The other hand were grabbing my waist and pressing me against him.

Please don't.
Please let me go.
I can't do this.
This can't be happening.

My mind was spinning.
My body was shaking because I felt so unwell.

It's just a kiss.
It will be over soon.

But then he started to kiss down my neck.
Leaving a trail of this stinging feeling on my skin.
I felt warm tears steam down my face.

His hand under my shirt.
His warm hand on my bare back felt like burning.

„Please don't. Please stop"

I cried out silent.
As much as I wanted to protect the plan, I couldn't go this far.

„I said you're mine. So shut up. Don't tell me you're not enjoying this."

Besides the fear and the pain in my body, my rage slowly build up like a dark everything devouring cloud.

His hands on the edge of my pants was enough.
I slowly pushed his hand aside.

„I said don't"

I said low.
He grabbed my neck and pulled my shirt up.
He grinned evil.

„And I said shut up!"

This was where I had to decide.
Do i shut up?
Or do i fight back?

Could I ever look at me or Simon again if I went through with that?

It would make things more easy if I would just shut up and let him take me.
But could I bare this?

He practically ripped my shirt off of me.
He pushed me against the counter and kept kissing me.
It tasted so awful.

„Come on Angel. I know you want this"

He whispered while kissing further down.

This was it.
The dark void of rage inside of me took over.

I couldn't do it.
I wouldn't do it!

I pushed him off of me with all my strength.
He stumbled back and yelped angry.
He tried to grab me again but I blocked his attempts.

„Don't play games with me Angel. Stop fighting"

He said angry.

„I will fight you with everything i have. You don't own me!"

I almost yelled and tried to run.
He cut off the way to the door.

„Let me go Phillip"

„You're mine! And I will show you"

He tried to grab me again.
I landed a precise hit straight into his face.
He yelled and held his bloody nose.

„You will regret this you-„

„Shut up. I've had enough!"

He launched forward and landed a hit in my face.
I groaned loud.
I could feel the cut on my lip.
Blood running into my mouth.

I dodged his next attempt to grab and corner me.
I landed a good hit in his ribs and took the chance to run.

I was out the door before he could react.
On the hallway was no one.

I ran and ran towards my room.

„Vincent! Simon! VINCE! SI!"

I yelled as loud as I could.
They weren't there.
I ran further.
Not caring that I was just in my pants and my bra.
I needed help.

I could still taste the blood in my mouth.
And feel the tears steaming down my face.
I reached the bottom of the stairs.
Everyone was looking at me terrified.

The hallway was full with shadows.
I was looking around panicking.
Two hands grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

„Mel. Mel what happened?"

Absolutely terrified.

„Vince. Where's Vincent! Where's Simon"

„Mel who the hell is Simon?"

Merlin looked at me like I had lost my mind.
A small group gathered around me to keep the others from staring at me.


I almost screamed.

„What is going on?"

Simon's voice was like pulling me out of my shock.
The guys stepped aside as Simon and Vincent pushed through the others.

Simon's look was terrifying.
Vincent took off his jacket and wrapped it around me.

„Hey hey hey what happened?"

He said much calmer than anyone else.

„He....he tried to"

I couldn't finish.
Everyone was looking at me in disbelief.

„Wait really? What the fuck"

Merlin ran his hands through his hair.

I had no time to explain because we could hear loud screaming from the stairs.


I looked panicked at the others.
But without a word Vincent shoved me behind them.
All of them build a wall in front of me.
No one even questioned it.

I could hear Graves barge inside.

„Where is she?"

„Is everything ok sir?"

„She must be here somewhere!"

„Angel 0? We thought she was with you sir"

„Well she clearly isnt! Search her now!"

„Of course sir"

No one budged.
No one said a single word.
I was holding my breath until I heard how he stormed back upstairs.

Everyone relaxed.
Merlin turned around.

„What the hell happened? And who the fuck is Simon?"

„That would be me"

Simon shoved the others aside and pulled me closer to him.
I instantly wrapped my arms around him.
I still couldn't believe this had almost happened.
I could feel my body trembling under his embrace.

„Shhhh Missy calm down. Tell me what happened"

I had no idea how he could be this calm.
But it helped.
I took some deep breaths.
I didn't even noticed all the others that were staring at me.

„He touched me. Simon he wanted to....i can't even say it. I couldn't let it happen. I know this makes everything more complicated but I couldn't"

„It's ok Missy. You did the right thing"

He pressed a kiss on my forehead.

„Could someone tell me what's going on? I thought your name is Matty"

Merlin looked highly confused but also really pissed.

There was no point in hiding anymore.

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