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And he kept his words.

After a couple of days I found a uniform in my room.
I stared at the patch on the vest.

‚Angel 0'

It was my old patch.
It looked so worn off on that brand new uniform.

Memories of my old missions came back.
Working under Graves was hard.

Especially because I was a stubborn ass woman.
Out there I needed control.
I needed them to listen to me.
To keep the injuries as manageable as possible.

Laswell had always depended on me.
She let me lead.
Let me help.

For Graves I was just a medic.
Someone who was no use except for cleaning up a bit.

A woman.

There were no women under the shadows.
Because Graves believed woman were weak.
Not made for such jobs.

He knew this was bullshit.
He had seen me fight.

The first time he imprisoned me I had send five of his men to the infirmary on instant.

I tried the uniform on.
I was so used to my scrubs that I had almost forgotten how good I looked in uniform.

I found a little note next to the vest.

‚Training tomorrow morning. First mission is in one week. Show them what you got princess'

It almost sounded like he would encourage me.
But I knew he just wanted to keep me occupied.

We had almost sorted out the discussion we had that night.

I knew ignoring him completely wouldn't work.
So we just pretended it never happened.

The next day I was early on the outside training field.

Slightly behind me Vincent and Dustin.
They still followed me everywhere.
Even when it was their job.
They cared for me.
We had talked so much.
I really liked the boys.
These were the only friends I had here.

The only men here that weren't absolutely misogynistic.

I could hear the whispers and the snickers of the others.
It felt like a bunch of school boys talking about you.

And it was practically this.

I looked around.
These were no men.
These were boys.

I huffed.
When I thought Dustin was young,
these guys were younger.

These were fucking kids.

I couldn't believe Phillip would allow this.

And there he was.
Of course he would take the opportunity to train me.
I spared the comment about the recruites and walked up to him.

„You look amazing Angel"

I smiled slightly.

„Meh. These uniform are not really flattering but I tried my best"

„I'm sorry we don't really have woman uniforms. I had this made just for you"

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

„So training huh? Wanna see if I forgot my skills?"

„Just making sure I don't have to always look after you on mission"

I pulled a grimace and huffed.

„You won't. Test me come on"

I was eager.
Finally some action.
Something that felt somehow normal for me.

He grinned turned to the others.

„So who thinks he can beat her?"

This was when I realised.
He wasn't testing me.
He was testing them.

He knew how good I was.
But were they?

I could see all of their cocky grins.
Almost everyone raised their hands.
Everyone except Vincent and Dustin.

„What you not? You pussys"

One of them laughed.

„I'm not insane. I wanna live"

Vincent laughed and held his hands up.

„Yeah. I like my face the way it is"

Dustin raised his eyebrows and stepped back.

I looked around.
I stepped next to Phillip and smiled bright.

„That's what I wanted to see. Don't kill anyone princess"

he purred and stepped back.

I looked through the guys and pointed at the tallest one.

„You! Come here."

He laughed loud.
He was not older than 20.
but at least 6'5.
I could see through his cocky grin on instant.

Rule number one.
Never underestimate your enemy.

I made a little cute bow.
He hadn't even his guard up.
Big mistake.

I speeded forward closing the distance between us in a split second.

His eyes widened as I jumped and landed a hard punch right on his jaw.
He stumbled back and groaned loud.

I laughed loud.

„What the"

I could see how this pissed him off.
Now he was emotional.
Nothing was easier than emotional men.

I stepped on the place and smiled.

„Huh? Couldn't hear you. Have something to say?"

He speeded towards me.
Trying to tackle me down.

With quick and light steps I dodged him and he landed in the dust on the floor.
He got up instantly.
The rage just growing.

I waved him over and blew him a kiss.

He closed the distance and tried to grab me.

With a precise kick against his knee i had him down to my size.
A couple hard punches against his throat and face let him pass out.
I stood over him brushing some dust off my vest.

I looked over to Phillip.
He looked highly amused.

It followed silence.

I looked over to the others.
Everyone had stepped back.

„So someone else?"

No answer.
I walked back to Phillip.

„I think that's all you need to see right?"

„Fucking cowards. But good job. I hadn't expected something different."

I nodded slightly.
I walked over to Vincent and Dustin and we instantly started to giggle like school girls.

This whole situation had given me some kind of satisfaction.

I had missed this.
To be this respected.
Not only because I was Philip's little toy.

Because of me!

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