Not just a nurse

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„What's your plan now? Kill me?"

„I'm going to find a way out.
And you're coming with me"

„You know there's no way out.
Look at them Phillip.
My men are everywhere.
And not only my men.
The men that were once yours. You have no one left"

„I gotta give you that you are very convincing for a stupid nurse.
They will come crawling back"

„No they won't.
And you know that. It's over Phillip"

„It's over when I say so!"

He pressed his gun even harder against my temple.
I should probably be terrified.
Sweating, shaking anything.

But nothing.

Only the dark voide of rage inside me boiling and bubbling.
Clouding my mind.

„come on Phillip. How will you fix this? Hm?"

I grinned evil.

„shut up! What do you know? You're just a nurse"

„Oh I'm a soldier just like you Philip. You know that."

„You're nothing.
Nothing without me!
And no one else will have you!"

„Then shoot!"

He said nothing.

„Come on Phillip.
End it.
It's what you want isn't it!"

„If I go you're coming with me"

He lined his head up against mine.
Positioning the gun in an angle so when he would shoot he would end both of our lives.
I laughed.

„You coward.
I never had thought you would be like that"

„Shut up!"

„Why? I've been through worse Phillip.
You don't scare me anymore. Just shoot you coward!"

„I said shut up!
What do you know?
You're just a stupid nurse.
A woman.
You're useless!"

„But still you want me so bad you risk everything for me."

I got louder.
My whole body was tense.
How dare he talk about me like that.

„I said shut up!
You really think you're little boyfriend will stick with you?
Look at you!
No one will love you like that."

„Don't you dare talk about Simon!"

„Look at him.
But eventually he will get tired of you.
I mean look at you.
I made sure no one else wants you"


„These pretty scars should  remind you of me forever"

„Shut up!"

„Useless! That's what you are.
Just a stupid little nurse"

I had enough.
My head went silent.
The void had won.

And Graves himself gave me the best opportunity.

With a quick whip I smacked my head back against his face.
I could hear the loud crack of his nose breaking.

My ears started ringing as a shot was fired out of his gun.

It missed my head.

I had already turned around.
I kicked his gun out of his hand and far away.
He instantly tried to tackle me down.

But nothing in this world could stop me anymore.
I had him down quicker then ever before.
I had his arms fixed to the ground with my knees.

My breath heavy.
Lose strands of my hair flowing around.

I blindly started punching his face.
I was blinded by my rage.
I wasn't even aware that I screamed.

„I'm not just a nurse!"

I heard his nose break again.

„I am a medic!"

Blood ran out of his nose.

„No! I am THE medic!"

His blood splattered over my face.

„I am Specialist E7 Melissa Gibson. Field and Combat medic!"

He wasn't even making a sound anymore.


I blinked.

My gun in my hands.
Pointing straight into his face.

The fear and pain in his eyes only fed the void.
My hands were shaking.

This would end!

The gun shot rang through my ears.

But the feeling I expected was missing.

Only the feeling of the large hand wrapped around my wrists.
The hand that had pushed my hands aside.
My shot missed.

Just a nurse Where stories live. Discover now