In my arms

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It had been easy to get this position.
A few calls, new papers, a uniform and Simon had the job.

They had a plan.
A really good one.

It needed some days but he would get her out of there and they would burn down this damn base.

What he was not prepared for was seeing her.

Seeing her in that state.
He didn't cared one bit for the scar.
These were things that happen.
His face didn't looked any better.

But knowing in how much pain she had been.
And all these bruises.

What the hell had happened.

He would kill Graves slowly and painful.

He had to gather all his strength to not just burst past her and rip the heart out of Graves chest with his bare hands.

And those flowers.
How pathetic.

Graves had her one year.
And he still knew nothing about her.

He had dreamed of her beautiful face night after night. Burned into his mind.
Every little detail.

And still she looked like an angel.
A fallen one.
A hurt one.

But like an absolutely beautiful angel.
He wanted to kiss her.
To never ever let go of her again.

But he had to pay attention.
This was still a mission.
A rescue.
He had to bring her home.
To protect her.
This time for real.

He looked around.
Her room was decorated beautifully but it didn't looked like her.

No plants, no art, no books.

He had to smirk.
She had never even though about settling here.
All these little details he had learned about her in the time he had searched for her had suprised him so much.

She was so incredibly smart.
And she had been such an incredible soldier.
And an even better medic.
She had lived for that.
And Graves had taken all of this from her.
Just like that.

She was an strategic master mind.
Acting quick but thought through.
And even now he could see her impact.

Vincent had shown him the whole base.
Everything neatly organised.
And everywhere was her handwriting.
Simon knew already that she had the best plan of this base.

If she wanted she could have disappeared already.
The only thing holding her back was this forest.
It was terrible.

It had been a three hour car ride at least.
And then on the run?
Without orientation?

He had to give Graves this.
This was clever.

Vincent took the flowers and walked out.

„I'm gonna throw these away. Can't risk you suffocating"

He gave Mel a grinning look and closed the door behind him.
Simon knew what was going on.
He had left on purpose to give the two time to talk.

But he didn't wanted to talk.
And she didn't seemed to want to talk either.

As he turned to her she was already in front of him.
He grabbed her waist and pressed her against him.
Their lips found each other's instantly.

And she felt like heaven.
This sweet and soft kiss.
He had to feel her, taste her, hear her.
He had her back.
In his arms.

He grabbed her face to pull her even closer.

She hissed slightly into the kiss.

„I'm so sorry Missy. No one will ever hurt you again. I promise."

he said seriously and stroked softly over her face.

„Just get me out of this hell. I'm so done feeling helpless!"

She whispered and leaned into his touch.
He kissed her again.
And again.
And again.
He couldn't stop.
And he wouldn't.

She wrapped her arms around his neck.
With ease he lifted her up and her legs wrapped around his waist on instant.

His hands on her thighs holding her steady.
She smiled into the kiss.
Her smile.
The most perfect thing on this planet.

All the emptiness and pain of the past year were gone. Washed away simply by her smile.
This moment.
Right now.
He never wanted it to end.

He didn't wanted to think about that it was still work to get her out.
To get back home.
To know she was finally safe.

He gently set her down again.
She reluctantly let go of him.
And before he could say anything she started asking a million questions.

„How's Matty?
How's Johnny?
Is your team ok?
Is the hospital ok?

„Shhhhh Missy calm down.
Everything is ok. They are all ok. Well except for the guilt and they all miss you. Believe me I have never seen Johnny this depressed."

„And you? How are you?"

„Better now. Nothing else matters, love. You can ask them all yourself as soon as we're back. I promise"

„But how? How are we supposed to get out?"

„I'm still waiting for a response from Johnny.
They inspect the area and get everything set up. As soon as they do that we can start. But that will take time. Maybe some days"

She sighed slightly.

„Alright. I guess I can keep pretending for some more. At least you're here. I wouldn't be able to keep going otherwise"

He looked down at her with sad eyes.
She looked exhausted.
Not really physically but mentally.

„I'm here and I won't leave you. You can do this. Just a little more love."

she nodded slightly.

It knocked slightly three times.
Simon wanted to step back but Mel held him back.

„Come in Vince"

Vincent slipped into the room.
Simon looked back at Mel.
She smiled slightly.

„Knock signs. Easy. So I know it's him"

Simon smiled.

„The smartest woman to ever known"

She shook her head and laughed loud.

Vincent sighed behind them.

„I have to say I have never once heard her laugh this freely. I am very glad you're here"

Simon nodded in Vincent's direction.
He still wasn't quite sure about him but when Mel trusted him Simon guessed ge could too.

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