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I ended the call as Vincent came back in my room.
My heart was racing.

I looked to Vincent and gave him back the phone.

„Reached him?"

„Yes! Yes I did Vince! He will get me.
No us! He will get us"

He shoved the phone into one of his pockets.

„I'm sure he will get you"



„No I'm not going without you.
They will figure out you helped me and kill you! That won't happen!"

He sighed slightly but nodded.

„Let's see. First off he has to get here."

I nodded.

„This will take time probably."

I tried to keep this in my mind.
The hope.
The reality that he was coming.

One week later I was in my room.
I was avoiding Phillip.
He had tried to talk to me but I completely shut him out.

I wasn't having any of his discussions.
He couldn't do anything that would make this better. He crossed this line.
There was no going back.

He had simply informed me that there was a replacement for Dustin's position.

Vincent should introduce me to him.
I wasn't very happy about this.
This meant Vincent and I couldn't speak freely anymore.

I sat on my dressing table.
I looked at my still bruised face.

I felt so helpless.
And I hated it!
It made me so mad.
I wanted to fight Graves.
To bloody kill him.

My thoughts were interrupted as the door opponent.
I knew it was Vincent with the new one.

„Mel. Everything ok?"

„Hm? Yes yes"

I closed the desinfectant again.

„Alright. So this is Matty. The replacement for Dustin"

I hesitated at the name.
Memories of Matty came up.
I hoped he was ok.

I nodded and got up.
I hadn't even looked at them.
I turned around and froze.


Right in front of me.
There stood Simon.
In a shadow uniform.
An unreadable face.
Until he looked into my face.
I could see the shock and pain in his eyes.
The pure rage and hat flared up in his eyes.

My eyes filled with tears.
He barely shook his head and glared over to Vincent.
Vincent looked highly confused of my reaction.

I looked to the door.
It was shut.

So I sighed and jumped into Simon's arms.

„Fuck I knew you would come"

He hesitated before he wrapped one arm around me.


he breathed out.
He was tense and I noticed how one hand was on his gun.
His eyes fixed on Vincent.

Vincent's face was lit up in a smile.

„I knew it! I knew something was strange about that guy"

I grabbed Simon's hand before he could pull the gun.

„No! Nonononono he's a friend!"

Simon looked confused down to me.

„He helped me! He got me the phone."

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