Helping hand

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He held his word.
And more.
He didn't even let me touch the big package with the bookshelf.

And in a moment I was talking with the cashier he just payed for me.
I insisted to give him back the money but he said he wouldn't take it.

This man was even more stubborn than me.

„No complaining Darling! It's my way to say sorry"

„You already bought me Tea. I forgave you already"

„I don't care. I'm not gonna take your money"

I huffed slightly but he just laughed.
He carried the package up to my apartment.
I was so glad.
This bookshelf was hella heavy.
I would have really struggled to bring this home.

I opened my door and guided him inside.

My apartment was small but it was everything I needed.
A small living room with an open kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom.
Everything full with plants, books and art.
He placed the package next to my couch and looked around.
I took off my coat and kicked off my shoes.

„Welcome to my home"

I grinned up to him.
He chuckled.

„Why am I not surprised by this? It's cute"

I smiled bright.

„You want something to drink?"

„Nah I'm good thanks."

He walked through my living room, inspecting every painting precisely.

„Did you paint these?"

„Some of them. Yes"

„Wow you're good."

I got bright red.

„Thank you"

He stemmed his hands on his hips and grinned.

„So wanna build a bookshelf?"

I laughed loud and nodded.

„Yes bob the builder let's build a bookshelf"

We had a lot of fun.
Luckily I read the instructions otherwise he would have done everything wrong.
But I was glad he was there.
The shelf was really high and it would have been very difficult to do this alone.

He helped me find a good place for it and even helped me organise my books and fill the bookshelf.
I had totally forgotten that I was mad at him.
It wasn't like we hadn't seen each other for two weeks.

After we finished we sat on the couch and talked and talked.
It was really weird.
I hadn't been so comfortable with someone for a long time.

As I mentioned that I were off work for two weeks his eyes sparkled.

„So ehm. Would you like to do something in these two weeks? Like maybe an official date this time?"

I got bright red but smiled.

„Sounds really good"

I could see the relief in his eyes.

„So this movie you told me about earlier. Is it really that good?"

„Hell yeah."

„Can you show me? I mean if you like"

I smiled bright.
This was the smoothest way of saying he wanted to stay longer.

We cuddled up on the couch and started the film.
I noticed how hesitant he was with physical contact.

I had noticed that before.
He never initiated hugs or something like that.
But when I did he seemed to really enjoy it.
So I took the chance and sneaked myself under his arm and cuddled onto him.

I felt his body freeze.
But after some minutes he relaxed a bit and pulled me even closer.

I fell asleep halfway through the movie.
The lack of sleep and the really hard and long day took their tribute.

I woke up the next morning not on my couch.
I was in my bed.
Neatly tucked in.
I stretched and walked into the kitchen.
It was already bright daylight outside.

I noticed a little note on the kitchen counter.

~Hey Missy.
You looked so peaceful so I didn't wanted to wake you. I hope you slept well. You deserve it. We talk later.
Love Simon~

I had to smile at the nickname.
He had told me that Mel sounded too masculine.
He thought Missy would suit me way better.

And I thought it was so adorable that he had thought of such things.

And I thought it was so adorable that he had thought of such things

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Why were I suddenly so nervous?
A real date.
Maybe now it got to me that he really was interested in me.
And I couldn't be happier about it.

I spend the whole day doing some selfcare and getting ready.
I was really unsure what to wear.
I tried on almost my whole wardrobe.
The last outfit I tried on catched me.

I thought it was a date.
And where else would I wear something like this?
Why not go there.

I would probably regret it and freeze my tits off in the end but it would be worth it! At least I kept telling me that

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I would probably regret it and freeze my tits off in the end but it would be worth it!
At least I kept telling me that.

I was so incredibly nervous.
I walked up and down in my apartment til 7.

I grabbed my bag and made my way outside.
Simon was already waiting for me.
He looked as nervous as me.

I could see his jaw physically drop at my sight.
Alone for this sight the outfit was worth it.
I smiled bright and hugged him.
He instantly squeezed me tight.


„Thank you so much"

He opened the passenger door for me and helped me inside.
Everything was going perfect.
I really couldn't believe it.

He looked so handsome.
In his jeans, his Gray shirt and his jeans jacket.

„Ready Missy?"


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