Execute now!

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I took some deep breaths.
I straightened my posture and looked at Merlin.

„Merlin do you remember the conversation we had last year? About the guy?"

„This lieutenant? The guy you love?"

„Mhm. That's him."

Merlin's jaw dropped.

„But. But. How. Why. I -„

„That's love you idiot. He's here to save her."

Vincent snarled a bit annoyed.
He looked so nervous.

„Ok Simon what now?"

„We need to proceed a day ahead. I need a phone. I need to call my sergeant"

Simon looked like he would run after Graves every second.
I looked at the others.
No one said a thing.
I stepped a couple steps up so I could look above them.

„Hey guys. Listen please.
I know this is confusing. But you saw how he is."

I pointed at my face.

„This is his fault.
Many of your injuries are his fault.
I know many of you doubt him.
He's a liar.
I will leave.
If you do is up to you.
But I highly advise that no one stands in our way. Because believe me I will not hesitate to do what is necessary"

Dead silence.

„Go. We distract him. We give him a false trace. Take the time to need to go with your plan"

I smiled down to Merlin.
Everyone around him was nodding.

„You're good men. Thank you"

„Go. Now"

Simon had already grabbed me and was pulling me away.
It hurted a bit to leave them behind.
But I needed to.
We made our way to the infirmary.
We hab a peace of quiet there.

„Alright. Simon now what's the plan?"

„First we call Soap"



„Ahhh this one"

I had told Vincent about Johnny.
But even I wasn't used to the name Soap.

Simon typed in the numbers and layed the phone in the middle of the table.

After some awfully long rings someone picked up.


„Soap. We have a problem"

„Lt! Shit I hadn't expected a call before tomorrow"

„well me need to move the mission to today"


„Yes. To be precise now!"

„Ghost are you sure"

„More than sure"

„What happened Ghost?"

Laswells voice rang through my ears like bells.
She was here.
Here for me.


I breathed out.

„Angel! You're there. What the hell happened"

I looked at Simon.

„It doesn't matter. He went to far. Now we're in trouble. We need to do it today"

„Ghost I need more info's"

„Kate please. We can't wait. He will kill me when he finds me."

My voice was shaky.
Laswell paused.
She knew something had happened.

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