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I guided him into one of the rooms far back.
Just to separate him from my normal patients.
This was the normal procedure for a situation like that.

I closed the door behind me and gestured him to lay down on the bed.

„So how can I help sir?"

I raised my eyebrows.
I didn't asked his name because he probably wouldn't tell me.

He took off his vest and rolled up his shirt.
He had a deep cut on his ripcage.

I hissed and nodded.
I layed the vest on the side.
I instantly got my stuff and stitched his wound.
He eyed me carefully.

As soon as I had finished he sighed relieved.
He wanted to get up instantly.

Before he could we could hear loud rambling from the floor.
Followed by the rapid ringing of my phone.

The pattern it rang in alarmed me.
It was our emergency code.

The eyes of the man and mine met.

He tried to pull his gun but grabbed into nothing.
As he looked up I was holding the loaded gun into his face.

He was really suprised.
We heard gun shots from the hallway.
I never even took my eyes off of him.

„Please. Give me that back sweetie. When they-„

„As long as you don't explain what is happening here you don't talk"

I said cold.
He was even more suprised by my calm tone.

Seconds later the door opened quickly.
One man in the door.

Black gear, face mask, young.
As soon as I saw the patch on his chest I moved the gun and shot him.

I instantly landed a head shot.
It wasn't very hard on that distance.
I quickly turned the gun back to the man.


He looked deeply shocked.

„Listen we don't have time. They want me. When you let me leave they will leave."

Before I could ask more we could hear more gun shots.
Then three men appeared in the door.

My head whipped around.

My heart sunk.

I couldn't see his face through the mask.
But his eyes.
I knew exactly who it was.

Our eyes met and I could see the confusion and the panic in his eyes.


John spoke first.
He was standing right next to him.
In the same gear as the old man.

„What are you-„

„Someone answers me right now! Who are you!?"

„Mel listen we have to-„

„I asked you a question Sargent Mactavish! Answer or your captain here will lose his ability to walk"

I said cold and pointed the gun on his knee.
Everyone was staring at me.

„Nothing? Still silent Simon? I want to know why there are Shadows infiltrating my fucking hospital!"

„What the-„

„Who are you!?"

Simon's voice sounded broken.
His look was something between hurt and betrayed.

„You're one to ask Simon really!"

„Alright listen-„

„If I don't get an answer John I swear to god"

„We're a task force. The Shadows are after us. We need to leave!"

The man said.


„No! You don't get to call me that! Why are they after you?"

I could feel the tears in my eyes but tried to shake them off.
Simon's eyes darkened.

„Why should I trust you. It seems I know nothing about you. Who says you're not one of them"

This hurted.
I huffed and shook my head.

„Of course you know nothing. You never asked."

„Who are you!?"

He said sharp.

„Specialist E7 Melissa Gibson. Field and Combat medic out of duty."

I said holding his eye contact and lowering the gun.

„And how do you know these are Shadows?"

„They arrogantly wear their fucking logo on their chest. And I know a shadow when I see one. I wore that gear for two years"


„So you are one of them"

John said low and put his hand on his gun.

„Not by free will. And I think we all here made mistakes in life huh? Now quit the bullshit!"

I could see the relief bit also the suprise in his eyes.

„Could you now explain what is going on for fucks sake!"

He took off the mask.
He looked wasted.
I somehow wished he had kept it on.
Seeing him so clearly hurted even more.

„We were on a mission that went terribly wrong. The shadows have infiltrated our base and disgraced us. They manipulated files and now they're on the hunt for us. We just need to get out of here."

John said quick.
I sighed and handed the gun back to the man.

„And you are?"

„Task force 141 Miss Gibson. I'm Captain Price. These are my man. Gaz, Soap and Ghost"

„Ghost huh. How fitting"

I spat.

„And why my hospital?"

I ruffled through my hair.

„Coincidence. I just needed help"

Price said.
I sighed.

„Well lucky for you. You were already dead in every other hospital"

I said crossing my arms.
I pulled out my phone to look at my notifications.

Three on level 1,
four on level 2 and just one on level 3. 
Only two on this level but it doesn't matter.
They're at the front desk. We don't need to cross this"

I muttered.

„How do you know that?"

„And were do you wanna go?"

Everyone was looking at me hella confused.

„This hospital is under my responsibility.
You really think I wouldn't be prepared for emergencies?
My nurses have eyes everywhere and always a way to communicate with me. I don't have to worry about them.
Believe me.
And we need to get to the basement. Or do you wanna go on with only these weapons and no ammo?"

I eyed them up and down.

„You have weapons in a hospital?"

„Of course. We're not stupid"

I huffed.

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