Orange letter

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Morning sunshine hits sunoo's face, when someone opened the window in front of him.

"Fuck", sunoo cursed while rubbing his eyes to meet his manager in front of him.

"Watch your words", the manager taunted, "or it'll become a habit".

"Why are you always so late, can't you set some alarm or something", he is angry, sunoo thought.

"I'll wait downstairs", he left the room, "go, get ready".

Sunoo's expression changed after he left. He looked at his phone where a note was sticked.

He checked his alarms which were discarded and his contact list, which was empty now.

He sighed and crumbled the note in his hand.

"Annoying", he left the room to get ready.


"I'm ready", sunoo came downstairs while looking at his phone, "let's go".

"You are going in your slippers", heeseung asked looking at sunoo's cute slippers, "well they look cute".

Sunoo looked at his feet, and sighed.

"Sorry, I'll change them", he goes back inside, "you can start the car".

He came back to his room and saw another note sticking to his window. He threw it in the near dustbin and closed all the windows.

He put his black boots on and came downstair closing the door.

Heeseung honked the car, outside and sunoo took the seat.

"You know what, you should hire a housemaid or something", heeseung suggested.

Sunoo who was scrolling his phone didn't reply.

"Or should i send someone to your house for cleaning", heeseung asked.

Still sunoo didn't replied.

"I guess, I'll", heeseung smirked.

"Please, don't", sunoo finally rested his phone down.

"I'll soon shift, so don't bother", sunoo explained, "I don't even use it often".

"Ok, your choice", heeseung again shifted his mind in driving.


Sunoo came outside of his car, while two buffed men followed him inside the company, with heeseung ahead.

"Now, why are they here", sunoo asked.

"For safety", heeseung answered, "you need to attend ******show, don't tell me you already forgot"

Sunoo scratched his head, "really?"

They reached an empty room in the company, where sunoo was supposed to be shoot, reading his fan letters and prepare some gift in return for those letter. Sunoo was popular, so he had to pay extra attention to fan services, he needed to respond for their support.

Stylist prepare his outfit, did his hair and make up before shooting.

They soon started the live and sunoo started opening the letter and reading them

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They soon started the live and sunoo started opening the letter and reading them.

Comments started to flow in and the amount of viewers were insane.

"I'm really grateful for all these letters and your love, sunshines", sunoo said with a smile.

On the other side of the camera, sunoo's stylist were admiring sunoo's smile and heeseung who was checking his schedule for the day.

Sunoo picked an orange letter with a sunflower illustration.

He took the letter close to him, "oh it smells good", he smell flowers from it, "like daisy or something, oho sunshine really know, what i like".

He opened the letter, and saw something familiar. A picture of him, which made him shocked. But he didn't reacted enough, "oh a photocard, cute", he read the letter loudly for fans.

"I know, you work hard, but please don't loose your smile, I'll see you soon", he gave a warm smile to the camera, "i guess someone is visiting me soon, see you in our future fan sign on next monday".

He read few other letters and ended the live. Heeseung followed him outside, "so who sent you the orange letter", he asked.

"It does not matter", sunoo said.

"Then why did you bring the letter with yourself", heeseung grabbed the letter from sunoo pocket.

Sunoo paniked and aggressively snatched back the letter.

"Please, don't butt in", sunoo got angry.

"I need to", heeseung explained, "or you will get yourself in trouble, after all you are just 20".

Sunoo tore the letter in front of heeseung, "let's burry this shit here", he cursed.

He threw the pieces of letter in the near by dustbin, and heeseung didn't pay attention to that matter again.

He threw the pieces of letter in the near by dustbin, and heeseung didn't pay attention to that matter again

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The photo with the letter, which is still in sunoo's pocket.

To be continued

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