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Jake always had a casual relationship with his dad, where they both pretended to be close enough to be seen as normal. His dad was always outside the home, he barely remembers his face since childhood. He was fine, with all of this, because his mother was always there for him, making his life enough lovable. He had to move back to korea, due to his dad's work. He was again fine with this, expecting more time with him. But, he never got.

His childhood void went deeper and deeper, after he lost his mother. He was still fine with this, because sunghoon was there. He was always there like his support, his courage or maybe just as a replacement for his father's love. He wanted sunghoon to notice him, praise him and accept him. But again nothing last forever, he was bound to loose everything, every decoy he made for himself.

He went to his father's office, for help. He was really angry, to ask a favor from a person, who was always unsuccessful in giving him anything. He agreed. Agreed with a deal not a favor. He wanted jake, to disappear from his life completely. He was not surprised to hear this, but he was glad. Glad, he still have sunghoon with him. Sunghoon, who ended up turning into a total maniac after moving to Australia. Sunghoon was still not over with his past, still stuck there somewhere, overall he was not the same person for jake...


Jake was still in the doorway, ignoring both sunghoon and sunoo. His eyes were stuck at jungwon, the person who allegedly killed his father. The father, who was never a dad, who always pretended to have a perfect relationship in front of other, while ignoring him in person. A father, who was the cause of his darkness.

"He killed him", jake whispered enough loud to be heard by niki.

"Who?", niki asked tilting his head. He follows Jake's stare, and meets, "jungwon".

Niki rush ahead, when he finds jungwon has managed to free himself, somehow. With a broken glass piece. Too familiar colour, he thought.

Jungwon had that sharp object in his hand and he pulled sunghoon in his grip.

"No", niki shouts.

Sunoo still freezed in his place, this time to avoid triggering jungwon.

Jungwon, who was just a kid, who looked harmless, with his adorable face. Who had killed two people at such a young age, or maybe more. Who technically destroyed his life, just for no reason, who is just having fun in this chaotic situation.

No, he is not a kid. He is surely mentally ill. He is enough dangerous to kill another person. The person, who is really important in his life. I need to do something, he force his brain to work, and stop his body from trembling any longer
Sunoo gather courage, and look into jungwon's eyes. His eyes, they were dark, probably not of the same person he was close to. It was just a facade, he remind himself for thousandth time.

"What do you want?", Sunoo ask staring at his grinned face.

*Sunghoon was not terrified. His eyes were not at the glass stuck at his throat, but at me. He was not afraid, but worried. He was worried about me, why me?, I ask myself the stupidest question in this world.

"You want to give me something", jungwon snap me back in the current situation.

"How about you grab the knife, you patiently prepared for me", he sign toward the blue car.

I hesitate for a second and looks back at sunghoon. This time with a stronger aura, enough to let him know, I'm fine. To finally let him focus at the situation, he is stuck at. He jolt his elbow back, hitting jungwon very hard that he gets pushed backward, with a wince.

Sunghoon is really weird. Why didn't he do this before, if he could, sunoo thought.

Sunghoon turns toward the pathetic little teenager, with so much cold blood. He squat down, to reach his length and looks at his face. Pathetic, defeated almost disgusted. Still smiling like a fool.

"You think, you'll win", jungwon said with an unending ego.

"Not yet, kiddo", Sunghoon grips jungwon bangs up to have a better look at his face.

"I knew, something was wrong with you, from the moment, I saw you with jay hyung", sunghoon says.

"Something?", jungwon laughs.

"Just something?", he mocks.

"I see so much wrong about myself", he scan his body, "that it makes my blood turn into venom"

Sunghoon pulls a gun out from his pants, and aim it at the side of jungwon head. Their distance was close enough to let the gun rest above jungwon earlobe.

"You are a TARGET, now", Sunghoon slides the gun's tip toward his left, up to jungwon face, pointing it at his forehead.

"How about you quietly let go of your pathetic life, and wait patiently for me in hell, just so I can kill you once more", it almost made sunoo shivers. Sunghoon had a total different look in his eyes. The same look, he had when he kidnapped sunoo.

Sunoo step between, "no, you can't kill him", he demands.

"I don't want you to become a criminal, for ending his useless life", sunoo pause looking at sunghoon's eyes.

"I have not given you any permission, to throw off your future this easily", he pleads, trailing sunghoon's hand up to his grip at the gun, slowly lowering down from sunoo's skull.

"He will suffer, I swear", sunoo held the gun out of sunghoon's hand.

"Maybe, I prefer hell", jungwon instantly runs outside, in an attempt to escape.

A loud gun shot hit him in his leg, and he fell right in the ground.

"You really think, you can escape this easily", jake lowers his gun.

"Jake", jungwon turns his head, "you are supposed to arrest me, not kill"

Jake walks up to the limp body, and squats down, looking straight in the eyes of his father's murderer.

"Poor son, avenging his father", jungwon try to manipulate.

"He was such a devil to you", jungwon pats Jake's hair, with a look of pity.

"I had to kill him, because he was worthless and a selfish bastard"

"He betrayed both of us, his sons", jake almost lost his balace from hearing that specific word.

"He cheated on your mother", jake grabs jungwon collar, shouting at him to stop.

"He had an affair with my mother, and killed his own wife, when she become aware", jake was being hit by hundred to wind at the same time, attempting his best not to br lifted by any one of them.

"He was after your mother's money, that's why he married her", he paused, "and when his greed grew larger, he married my mother, another rich lady"

"You were abandoned by your own father", jake was freezed unable to hear sunghoon's scream. Jungwon traced jake shoulder, "we are same, brother", he whispers.

"No", jake was shocked to hear sunghoon shout, "jake you are not same", sunghoon was walking toward him.

"You are caring, loving, deserving and amazing", he stood up in front of jake, "you are my best friend"

Jake snapped into reality, looked at jungwon's face, which was totally annoyed.

"You know what?", he pulled the trigger, "let's make this- I had to fire, in an attempt to save my life"

Jungwon ran outside but got shot in his head, and fell straight to death. The whole garage fell into a silence, no one could dispose.

It's finished for all of them. Jake hugs sunghoon tight, trying to hold back every tear.

Sunoo picks the letters lying in the ground, and crumbled them in his fist. Those letters, now hold no meaning, no danger but just memories for him.

He no longer, is anyone's target. He is free, now.


To be continued
Last chapter after this and few side stories will be uploaded in the form of pov


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