Glimpse of horror

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A series of memories followed sunoo, after facing a ghost from his past.

The memories which were graved deep inside of his mind, where he never wanted to enter himself.

A past, which was too dark to be opened again, where only his shadow was remained, where he left a piece of himself.

What happen?, sunghoon smirked, "you are acting like you just saw a ghost infront of youself"

Sunghoon and sunoo faces were just few inches away from each other, and none of them were ready to step back.

Sunghoon's hand reached sunoo's jawline, giving him a sensation of regret. Reminding his every cell, that he can't just run away from his sins.

Sunoo's eyes were lost deep inside sunghoon eyes, running a flash back inside of his mind.

《Flash back》

Sunoo's pov:

I was rather still here, waiting for him. I kind of feel more warm in this cold surrounding than anywhere else.
I hope, he shows up today, or it'll all be a waste again.

I was lost inside my own predictions, when a figure crossed right beside me. Ignoring me, like always. Without feeling any weight, i carry.

But I don't even exist for him, the only person who, he gives his best attention is this guy.

"Park sunghoon" sunoo spoke both inside and outside of his mind.


Heeseung was again in the same cafe with jake in front of him.

"So, according to you", jake looked at heeseung with a desperate face, "he was kidnapped right before entering his van".

Heeseung nodded, "yeah, and i think it's one of his sasaeng, asking for attention".

Jake took a deep breathe and came closer to the table and spoke calmly with his soft.

"Look, babe", heeseung was already done with Jake's nicknames, " First, we are not living in a movie, where kidnapping an adult is that easy"

He paused and tilted his head, "And, none of his sasaeng must be enough courageous to kidnap him from a public area".

Then he again leaned back to his seat, and clarified, "Afterall he is one of, the most famous idol in korea, no way some random normie will take such a risk".

Heeseung looked angry, after hearing jake and just continued to slurp his coffee, ignoring Jake's smirk.

"What if someone..."


"I'm back", niki informed after entering the mansion. He was opening his shoes when sunghoon welcomed him, without any mask.

"No more covering", niki asked.

"Yeah, cause now it's all clear", sunghoon replied while looking at the mirror, at himself.

Niki stood in front of sunghoon and displayed him, something on his phone.

"Oh, you found him", a smile curled up in sunghoon's face, "nice"

Sunghoon had niki's phone in his hand, staring deep inside the photos, when niki asked him.

"So, what are you gonna do with him?"

"Force", sunghoon looked at niki, with a devilish smile, "emotionally".



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(The photo, niki showed)

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