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"Yeah, I just reached here", CEO Sim informed in his phone. He sits in his chair and looked outside the glass in front of him.

"It's okay", he smiled, "I'll handle things here ", he paused.

"You just focus on your case", the call ends and he rotates his chair in front.

"Please come inside", he calls someone outside his door, "we can talk, now".

A figure enters inside the office and takes the seat in front of the CEO, placing his legs in the table.

"Mrs. Sim", he addressed the CEO very politely, "it seem your son is determined to solve this case".

A smirk appears on the face of the guy wearing black attires. He walks past the table, in front of CEO, and rotates his chair in his own direction. Leaning his body, he pulls the hair above Mrs. Sim's nape.

"I need this matter to be closed as soon as possible"

He leans forward, whispering in the ears of the trembling man in front of him.

"Even if it killing..."


Jake stops outside the police station, when he encounter a loud crowd in front of the area. He parks his car near and walks inside the station.

"Officer", his junior rushes toward him, "we have a problem here".

"Yesterday, someone broke inside the bars"

Ambulance carried heeseung body outside the station and took him to the hospital.

Jake rushes toward the prisons and immediately starts investigate the prison, in which heeseung was locked. Whole floor was cover with blood, but there was no trace of evidence. He got shot with a gun, so it's probably impossible for anything to be found. He looks at the whole space again, and notice some writings in the wall. He comes closer to them...


after reading the whole thing, he quickly drive toward sunoo's apartment. He knocks the door, impatiently and someone opens the door.

It was sunghoon, both of them look at each other's eyes and do not move a bit from their places. It was awkward, after everything that happened between them.

"Jake", sunoo call from the behind, "why are you here".

Jake walks past sunghoon toward sunoo, "heeseung is in the hospital".

Sunoo's eyes were wide open after hearing this

"How?", sunoo ask desperately.

"I think, they wanted to shut him up", Jake opens his phone and shows a photo to sunoo.

Sunghoon also cocks his head to have a look.


"that someone must be the one behind hyung's death", Sunghoon look at sunoo with concern.


"Niki", jungwon calls, "do want to eat together".

Niki nods and follow him, outside their apartment.

"You both should inform manager, before leaving for anything", Shotaro warns them.

Both of them had their mask, with hoodie. They made their way up to the convenience store, for eating their dinner.

"Ramen?", Jungwon ask and niki nods. They both take their seat with their ramen.

"Itadaki mase", Niki prays before taking his bite, which makes jungwon smile.

"Why are you showing your teeth", niki tease.

They both laugh and enjoyed their meal, looking outside at the street.

"You", jungwon ask, "why are you doing this"

Niki turns his face toward jungwon, "I'm here to look for something".

"Is that 'something' important for you", jungwon question.

"Yeah", niki answer back, "more than anything else".

"What about our team", jungwon again ask, "you're gonna leave, once you'll find that 'something'".

Niki giggles after seeing jungwon worry. He stands up and brush jungwon hair in his eyes, "I'll make sure, you'll not feel alone, without me".


Sunoo along with sunghoon, jake, niki and jungwom visit heeseung in the hospital.

"Is he still alive", niki ask and gets hit by jungwon in the head.

"Of course dumbass", jungwon shows his  annoyed face.

"Hyung, are you still being stalked", Jungwon affirmed.

Sunoo shakes his head to deny.

"So, it was heeseung hyung from the beginning", jungwon looked disappointed.

"He needs to wake up, fast", Jake quotes, "he was going to reveal it all".

Doctor enters the room and looked at jake, "you are his guardian".

"Yes, doctor", he act along, "what happened to him, when he will wake up", he bends down, holding heeseung hands in his own, leaning his head to act weak.

"No worries", doctor pats Jake's shoulders, "he was delivered here, in time".

"Maybe in few days, he will wake"

"Thank you, doctor", jungwon said with a smile.

"Guess, we need to wait for now", Jake change his expression with a smile.


To be continued
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