epilogue : Unexpected

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Niki pov:

It's been days since our group disbanded. So, why am I here, with this 'statue' dude.

Jo is inviting me to drinks for past 4 days. He invite me over text and start drinking even before I arrive. Once he is drunk, he go straight in silent mode, just taking shots over shots.

"Did he rejected you?", I ask after having 2 shots. He flinch and I know it's about harua. Why is he dragging me into his love life.

Just because, I'm free because of master's love life doesn't mean I am vacant enough for their drama.

I hit the table with my fist, making him flinch once again. His eyes meets mine, "I'm done" dealing with this fool. I stood up to leave and move away from his drunk ass. "Stop", he held my hand, and I grab his collar.

"Don't touch me", I growl at him. His eyes, looked scared and shocked. I breath the cold air from the chilly night to calm myself down. I loose my grip and tidy back his shoulder's wrinkle.

"Look", I address him, "you can't call me over here for no reason" or any reason.
"to grieve about your one sided crush", I warn with a smile.

He move back a little away from me, before landing a hard punch in my handsome face. Fuck. He's gonna die today, he is fucking asking for it. I laugh, brushing my hair back from my wounded face.

His eyes are now angrier than I've ever seen. He don't usually show, this much emotion. but right now, he is staring at me, like I've broken his trust. I never took any responsibility for his trust.

"How do you wish to reach your beautiful end?", I lift my sleeves above up to my elbow.

"Do you also like him"

I step forward with a confused face, "what?"

"I saw you... with him", his eyes are flaming., "his head was on your shoulder", he say, "since when did you two get so close".

I'm already smiling, how much more stupid he can be. I put both my hands in his shoulders, looking straight in his teary eyes.

"Dude, you are too much delulu", I laugh and he brushed my arms off him.

"Answer my question, first", he look irritated.

"Dude, I am not intrested in your crush even a bit", my hands again creep in his shoulder, eyes meeting his shy cheeks mischievously, "if I have to choose, you are more of my type", I smile because he looks surprisingly cute, this red in anger.

"Now answer me", I'm surprised, he is not breaking away from my intimate touch, "did he reject you", I think, it's getting preety fun.

He don't answer and the rest is preety obvious. I draged him back to our seat, opening another bottle of alchohol. I pour him anothet shot, "you have entire night to grieve your first love but...", his face is filled with anticipation, "but from tomorrow onward, I'll court you"

I lean back on my seat and cross my arms up to chest, looking at his stunned face. He don't look like my cat or even close to my type but I am ready to take chance because it's him. He is a hopeless lover, jealous of my height, emotionless and a knock out for me. He takes shots one after another until he pass out, sleeping so soundly in his seat.

JO pov:

It's too much. Too sudden. He confessed, right?. Why me? and why am I freaking out.

I open my eyes and feel my body moving in air, and sticked to this hot surface.
It's him. He is carrying me on his back and I swear I'll shout but it'll be embarrassing so I don't.

"Awake, sleeping beauty", I play dead. He laugh, "you are preety heavy, so I'll appreciate if you'll walk yourself", I stand back on my feet and walk by myself, teying my best to avoid his face, who is probably laughing at me. He follow without uttering a word, and I appreciate this silence.

"So...", I hate him. "Now, are you over your crush", he ask cocking his head infront of mine.

"You gave me time, until tomorrow", I say in a panic.

His smirk, I want to punch him once more,"So, you agreed?", he mocks.

I push him aside from my way, walking away. Of course, he follow, "why did he rejected you, he was straight?", he ask.

I would have shared everything with him, if the situation was a little different. Why the heck, he is doing it. I know, he is playing with me, probably trying to make me more miserable.

I pause and turn toward him, and he too stop in his spot. I walk closer to him, looking at his face, trying to figure out what the heck is he ploting.

"What do you want from me", I ask.

He close the remaining few inches between our face, enough so, I can feel his breath crashing in my bare skin. His eyes looked excited, fascinated and so interested in drowning me down.

"I just want to see, how much deep you can go in love", he straight forwardly answered.

And knock his lips over mine. I don't know, if it's alchohol or not, but he taste sweet. He smack me in the wall behind, very gently. His left hand is playing with my hair and right one holding my waist.

It's my first time, kissing anyone but he looks too much experienced, which almost make me jealous. His mouth perfectly well with mine, taking full dominance and I let him because it just feel too right. I also grip his neck, adjusting our face in right space. He smile in between our rough kiss and I know he is gonna drip the life out of me.

Fuck, why did I have to call him of all people, to drink with. He is probably gonna drag me up to the hell with himself and I'll probably not deny it myself.

I was determined to blame him for harua's rejection, but ended up here, kissing the same wild boy. It's really not going the right way, not where I ever planned it. Unexpected.



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