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The whole studio had a silence, that no one was ready to break, all of them were already shocked to encounter Sunoo, after his sudden hiatus, but for now, waiting for him and his manager was killing everyone's patience.

They were getting closer to the assigned time of the recording, and  the whole group was in panic waiting in the rehearsalroom. They were all nervously looking at each other's face.
Niki rest his right hand on jungwon lap, who was sitting in a chair beside him,
"Hyung, who was that guy in  biege coat with Kim Sunoo sunbae", he asked.

"The one who entered before Sunoo hyung?", jungwon confirmed, while niki nodded.

"Well, he is hyung's manager, Mr lee heeseung", he further explained, "he is working, for sunoo hyung since his debut. I think he is the closest with him"

"Closest", Niki repeated with a smirk in his face, "that's interesting".

"I'm really sorry, for all of your precious time", heeseung apologized coming inside the studio, beside Sunoo.

Sunoo took his seat among other artist infront of the performance stage. Heeseung handed him, the related file, out from his bag.

Sunoo looked closely at members file, when suddenly he stood up from his seat, dropping the file in the floor. A familiar face came infront of him, with a teasing grin.

"Hello, my name is Nishimura riki", he introduced.

Heeseung ran up to sunoo, and picked the file from the ground, "What happen?, are you okay?", he helped sunoo to sit back in his seat.

Sunoo took a glass of water from the chair, to calm him down.

"I'm 18 year old, and the maknae of this group", niki continued, looking straight in Sunoo's eyes with a confident smile.

After him, other members contined to introduce themself, but sunoo had his full attention to Niki, who was staring at Jungwon beside him.

They took their position and the music started...

After their performance, everyone clapped and advised them for their future journey, as a kpop group.

Sunoo took the mike for his speech, and looked at the group closely,
"I know, your sacrifice and effort to reach here, because I've been there at some point in my life. But I hope you don't act on impulse in this journey, you need patience and hardwork to make a name for youself . I really appreciate your efforts to reach here up until now, and I hope you'll continue to work hard in this field for yourself and your team", sunoo passed the mike when suddenly someone from the group asked him something.

"Mr Kim Sunoo, can I ask you something?", Niki questioned in the mike.

Sunoo was very well aware about the cunningness of Niki, but still he chose  to face him, he grabbed the mike again and gave niki, the permission to ask him anything.

"I wanted to ask , about your purpose behind becoming an idol", he asked, "why did you chose to lead your life as an idol, when the company scouted you"

Sunoo was quiet for few seconds, with thousand thoughts roaming his head, he was hesitating to answer this question because, he never wanted to admit his purpose behind becoming an idol.

"Ok, Nishimura riki", he emphasized, "I guess you want to know the secret behind my desire for success in this field", niki nodded.

"I had none" Sunoo admitted with a soft smile, "yeah, I just randomly chose this path for myself, to avoid continuing my School".

"But not everyone is as lucky as me", he smiled again, "you can't just randomly choose this profession for yourself like me, because now situations are way different then before".

Niki giggled, "yeah, ofcourse I'm not randomly here", jungwon side-eyed niki, "I'm here for a real purpose and I'll surely complete that", he signaled sunoo, with a grin.


To be continued
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