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Sunoo dropped jungwon in his dorm and left with sunghoon.

"I wonder, why he rushed there", jungwon asked himself and went inside.

Everyone was sleeping, because it was already 11 PM. Tomorrow, they had no schedule, they were free to do everything, that's why they all left early from company.

Jungwon silently walks inside his room, which he was sharing with niki and Jo. He opens the door slightly to sneak inside, when a tall figure bumps with the door. He was about to scream in shock, when those hands prevents him from shouting in the middle of night. The figure comes closer to his face and he realise.

He shoves the hand off his mouth, "why were you standing here, beside the door, like a ghost", he growls at niki.

"Waiting for you", niki walk back to his bed to take a seat, "where were you?".

Jungwon throws his bag down in his bed, "none of your business", and lie down, closing his eyes.

Niki smile slightly, and lean back beside jungwon.

"Why did you left with sunghoon hyung", he ask turning his head toward him.

"Do you...", Niki knew it was coming


"Hello, you", a man wakes heeseung up, "someone's here to see you".

He rubs his eyes and finds himself in the same filthy jail again.

"Come out, right now", the man goes out and heeseung follows him.

"You have only 20 minutes", the guard repeats, "so you better not pull any string"

Heeseung enters a small space with both his hands in cuffs. There was a thick glass separating the space from the another part.

He walks inside, annoyed and see something more annoying.

"Mr. Lee heeseung", sunghoon welcomes him, with a satisfying expression, "you doing okay, there".

Heeseung takes his seat and do not answer him back.

"So, why are you here", he comes to the point, "want something from me".

"Well, what can you even give me from there "

"Truth", heeseung answers with straight face.

"But, in return..."


"You are again in his side", Jake had a frame in his hand.

A photo of him and sunghoon, locked with a memory. A moment, when both of them were beside each other.

He puts the frame down in his table and close his eyes to remember, where it all went wrong.

《 past 》

"Hey you", a voice called me from behind, when I was shedding my thick tears down my clothes, which were wet now.

I had to move back to korea with my mom, when I was 8 year old due to my father's business. I was unable to speak anything in korean, so I never had any friend. I used to go to school and than straight home. Nothing was interesting, to look forward to.

But then, I met him.

"Oh, you look..."

Pathetic. Yeah, I do lool a mess right now. I'm really embarrassed, he saw me crying.

He came closer to me, "you look handsome".

"Are you American?", his arms were already around my shoulders.

I wiped my tears with my sleeves and shaked my head in denial.

He nodded back.


"Australian", I wonder, he know Australia.

He smiled back at me, even though he was unaware about Australia.

He took my hand and helped me to stand up.

"Me. Sunghoon park", he forwarded his hand for handshake.

When our hand touched, I knew I'm never gonna let him go. He became something so precious for me, that nothing could be more interesting than him.

I'm glad, I was crying in the playground that day, and was able to meet him, Park sunghoon.


"Hoon, I just landing", I was back after 3 whole year, "why aren't you here here".

"Sorry, I can't, now...", just to find, that he have something more important than me.

"Did he just ended my call", I knew something was unusual, that needs to be taken care of.

It was Kim Sunoo, a parasite.

I called sunghoon, to meet me inside my dad's company, But he didn't.

When I left the company, to look for him. His hands were holding someone's hand, another problem for me. He just ran away with him, totally forgetting me.

《 present 》

Jake came back from his memories, after he heard the door bell of his house. He stood up to see, who was there.

"Why's he here", he sigh, after watching sunghoon in the screen.

Opening the door, sunghoon immediately grabs his collar.

"How much was the lie", jake smirks.

"It looks like, he can't keep his mouth shut", he brush sunghoon hands off his collar, with force.

"Too bad, everything will be uncover now"


To be continued
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