You idiot!!

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It's been a whole week since I've seen sunghoon. After his brother's death, he don't speak much. I don't know if I should tell him, about this or not.

Anyway, why is he in class, today. Isn't he supposed to be practicing for the upcoming competitions.

Sunghoon was sleeping in his desk, beside mine , with his head down.

"Hey, are you sleeping", I asked but he didn't answered.

I sighed and raised his head up, with both my hands.

"Are you okay", his eyes looked almost dead.

He brushed my hand off his face and leaned back again.

Sunoo is still not speaking?", I asked and he didn't replied.

I guess, I need to end this now.


"Hyung", Sunoo came outside his class," you asked for me?".

"I think, we need to talk", his eyes were looking even more sad than sunghoon.

We both took a seat in the ground, and he was looking very nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to talk about Jay", I assured.

"Actually, it's about sunghoon".

《 present 》

Sunghoon's hands were in Jake's collar.

"So, what are you gonna do", Jake smirk, "I didn't forced him, he agreed with me".

Jake brushed sunghoon's hands off his collar, and pushed him away ftom him.

"Then,Why did you lie to me", Sunghoon's eyes were filled with pain.

"Because, I needed to you to cut every ties with him", jake finally revealed.

"Because, you could be in danger due to him", he continued, "and Sunoo knew this"

"He knew, this would be the best for you", the guilt filled sunghoon's body and he fell down his knees.

Jake also kneeled down, "You are really important in my life, hoon".

"I can't just loose you like this", jake kept his hands above sunghoon's, "I need you be my side, forever or else I'll loose it completely".


Sunoo was in hiatus for a complete week, now. Sunghoon didn't visited him for this whole time, which was making him worry.

His door knocked, which wakes him up. He stood up from his bed and opened the door for jungwon.

"Hyung", Jungwon cheerfully enters with pizza in his hand, "let's eat".

They both sat in the sofa, and turned toward each other. Jungwon held sunoo hand and looked straight into his eyes.

"Hyung, about heeseung hyung...", he paused, "Are you okay?".

Sunoo, whose eyes had no pain of betrayal played along with jungwon.

"Yeah, it was really heartbreaking to be betrayed by someone, I trusted the most", he smiles softly, but "I'm glad, he got exposed".

"So...", jungwon looked around with his eyes, "What are you planning to do, now"

"Probably a comeback", sunoo smirks looking outside of the glass in the buzzing seoul, "stronger than ever"


Jungwon left after the sky turned dark, and sunoo again went back to his bed. He buries his face in the pillow, trying his best to distract himself from the thoughts of sunghoon. Actually deep down, he was worried about him. Although, he wished to stay away from him, but it was really unbearable for him to hide everything from Sunghoon.

Suddenly he heard, his phone ringing. It was jake.

"Hello?", he answer the call, "what happen?"

"Oh, it's our great kim sunoo", Sunoo stood up from his bed", still sticking phone in his ears.

"Why the heck are you drunk", sunoo scolds sunghoon, "and where is Jake"

"Ohhh, you want to speak to Jack, when I was the one who called you", Sunghoon whine, "you are such a meanie"

Now, sunoo was in the garage, starting his car.

"Where are you right now", he ask, "I'll pick you".

Sunghoon looks around himself and lean in the bridge, "oh I'm near han river, I can feel the cold breeze, touching my face"

Sunoo drives fast and reach there. Jake's body was in the foot path, and sunghoon was leaning over the bridge.

Ignoring, Jake's passed out body, sunoo walks up to sunghoon and lean beside him. Sunghoon turns his face and smile toward him.

"It's the first time, you are genuinely smiling at me", sunghoon giggles, "probably because you are drunk".

Sunghoon turns his whole body, facing sunoo. His eyes were looking at sunoo, very different than usual. He hits sunoo's chest with his fist, "you are such a liar", his eyes were now, drowned in agony.

Sunoo cherish sunghoon's cheecks with tears in his own eyes, "sorry, you should've never loved me"

Sunghoon puts his hands above sunoo's hands, "yeah, you never really considered relying on me"

Sunoo was shocked to hear this, he turned back and looked at the river closely.

"Maybe, I'm just a coward for fearing about your life. I thought, I'll loose you too", he looks at sunghoon's eyes which were also engraved in his own.

I think, I loved you that's why I needed to give up on you, sunoo thought.

"I could never put you in any danger, after everything Jay hyung suffered for me"

"I was responsible for your life. I needed to make you happy, and fun even after he died"

Sunghoon moved closer to sunoo's face, with tears dripping from his cheeks.

"Kim Sunoo, you idiot", he initiates the kiss, and sunoo also didn't resisted.

Sunoo held sunghoon jaw with both his hands, deepening the kiss.


To be continued
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