Regret: Hesitation

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I rushed to the music club, after entering the school. I just needed to see him.

"Sunoo", heeseung stopped me.

"No one is inside", he was locking the door of club.

"What about jay hyung?", I asked with desperation.

"I don't think, I saw him", he puts the keys in the cactus plant, of our club.

"Probably, on leave"

I turned back with disappointment.

"But he'll come to perform at the bar", heeseung reminded.

Yeah, I can see him there. I rushed back to my class. I needed to see him fast. Ask him about those threat letters. What if he get in trouble because of me. All these thoughts were surrounding me, when a figure blocked my classroom door in front of me. I looked up and...

"Why the fuck are you here", I cursed.

Sunghoon's hands wrapped my face and squeezed my cheeks.

"Just wanted to check on you", I brushed his hand and moved him aside from my way.

He followed me to my seat.

"Actually, I'm here...", he took his phone out and showed a location in map.


I rushed through others, to exit the school. And it will be my first time, when I'm skipping my practice.

I took a taxi and told him to drive me in the given location.

I rushed inside the building and used the stairs to reach the top floor. Before knocking the door, I felt a weird sensation, inside my chest. I was breathing too fast. Is it because, I had to climb all those stairs or it is my fear. I pushed the door, wide open.

My legs gave up, I was in the floor. My voice was unable to speak anything. The room was filled with red blood, of someone...

The room was filled with multiple letters, Orange one's. Everything looked a mess, like someone just fought here. The food was spilled in the floor, the vase was scattered down.

I clenched my fist and got up with full strength. I still needed to find him. What if this blood is not him. The possibilities was worth my trial. I followed the mark of blood, it looked like someone just dragged an injured man somewhere. This lead me to a bathroom, I was again hesitating to open it's door. This time, I knew it'll be the worst. Still,I pushed it open and...

(End of sunoo's flashback)

A tear rolled down the cheeks of sunghoon, which made sunoo wonder, if sunghoon still inside the trauma. Sunoo wiped the tear with his hand.

"I'm sorry", sunoo whispered and kissed sunghoon in the lips.


Rest of flashback will be told with someone else's pov.

Next chapter will be of present time

To be continued
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