"Young love"

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It's been 3 days, since I had a proper conversation with danielle. Everytime I tried to speak with her, she just don't respond.

And it's not the only problem ,I've to face. Even the School is looking for the mysterious guy, who confessed the weirdo and then punch him. I wish, I could just punch him twice, for creating all this drama.


After tormenting school for hours, I was heading to my company for practicing.

There I saw, a whole crowd in front of the main gate. I jumped super high, to look at the person in the centre and it was him.

Yup, now I just need to sneak inside. I tried to sneak between the crowd, squishing myself up.

"Yeah, you", damn. He spoted me and walked in front of me, along with the crowd.

I hide my masked face with the hoodie.

"You work here, right", he looked at the building from up above.

I was gonna ghost him in this moment, when he caught me with my hand.
"How about we go on a date", he gave me a satisfed smile in between of the screams surrounding us.

"What...", and before, I could process any of this.

Sunghoon run away, holding my hand in his own.

We had to run so fast to get rid of his fangirls, before we could stop.

After breathing for a minute, I grabbed his collar and looked right in front of his eyes, with anger.

"What the heck was that", I asked, but he was still smiling.

"Do you think, it's a joke", I pushed him in the ground.

I need to go back, I looked at the watch in my left wrist.

"I'll be late", I started to walk back in the direction of company.

"Wait", I turned back.

His head was looking down at the ground.

"You said, you loved me", he spoke with a tint of sorrow in his voice.

"And then... I punched you", I reminded him.

He smirk and shakes his head in a clear denial.

"Wasn't it because...", he tried to guess, "of the sudden kiss".

I was too late to explain him so I just denied and ran back to the company.


"Hyung, why were you late today", jungwon asked.

"Nothing, there was just a weirdo in my way", jungwon repeated 'weirdo' with a confused face.

Damn, he is so cute. I rubbed his head adorably.

Jungwon is a

guy, who practice along with me. Maybe, we will also end up together in a group in future. He is a year younger than me, but I treat him like a baby.

After practicing, I exists my company and ran faster than usual to reach in a bar.

Taki was waiting for me inside. We went inside, where our whole gang was just waiting for me. Along with Jay hyung. A smile appeared in his face, looking at me which was enough to turn my crappy day into a bright one.

I took my position and starts the beginning beat.

Even though, heeseung hyung is one of the best vocalist in the world. I had my eyes at jay hyung, who was passionately playing the guitar.

He looked so good while performing, like a star itself.


After performing few song, we bid our goodbye to the audience and left the stage. Heeseung thanked the bar owner for the opportunity, he gave us.

I saw jay, who was fixing some string of his guitar.

"Sunoo, you visited our class recently, right", I panicked.

Does he knew, that I was the one screaming, the confession. No way, I did covered my face completely.

"No, I didn't", I lied.

He nodded with a confused face. I don't know if he really believes me.

I walked out of the bar and waited in the bus stop for mom.

Then a guy took a seat next to me and I felt a deja vu. I bend down my upper body a little, to look inside his hoodie and damn. It's him again. I leaned back, taking a huge breathe.

"Don't you have anything better to do?", I was, now tired of running into him.

"You like jay hyung", he ask turning his head in my direction.

I didn't respond and looked straight into his eyes.

He smiled, analyzing my silence.

"Interesting", he laughs turning his face again forward.

"But Jay hyung is straight", he turns his whole body in sunoo's direction, "so how about me".

"I can be out of straight line, if it's for you"


Name: lee heeseung Last year in schoolSinger of the music club

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Name: lee heeseung
Last year in school
Singer of the music club

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