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"Breaking new: Idol Kim sunoo from Simyin entertainment accused his manager for stalking. According to our report, Manager xx was stalking and threatening his own idol for past 6 years. Last night..."

Niki was staring at his phone, thinking hard about something.

"Hyung", a voice called him.

Harua came running up to him and spots him watching the news in his phone.

"Hyung,you aren't supposed to play this, inside the company", he whined with concern in his voice.

Niki paused the video and turned his face toward harua.

"Do you think, heeseung hyung really stalked sunoo sunbae nim?", niki asks.

Harua looked above and chose silence for a while.

"Well, I never expected this to happen", niki could sense sadness filled voice of harua.

"I mean", he stuttered, "he was always nice with us, cheered for us and helped us in a lot of stuff".

His eyes turned to niki, and tears started to fall off his cheeks.

"I really don't know, what is happening, hyung", he cried.

Niki looks forward avoiding any further emotional drama, when suddenly he feel those warm tears, dripping in his shoulders.

He slightly turned his face and find harua, resting his head there. Harua had his eyes closed, with tears. So niki choose not to bother him.


"This bastard, Lee Heeseung", CEO Sim cursed in his phone.

"That fucking Sunoo should have informed us, first", he shouted.

"Now, we are done..."

"Dad", jake interrupts Mr. Sim in between, "why are you stressing so much"

"We aren't involved in this, at all", he smirks, "so, why fear?"

He stands up from his chair, and looks outside the huge glass window. There was a huge crowd of reporters and fans, shouting and yelling.

"It should be fine, as long as we play safe", Mr. Sim doesn't reply after this, "I heard you are returning tomorrow", Jake turns around with a smile, "just the perfect timing"

The call ends, and Mr Sim, looks at his reflection in the window of his plane.

"I wonder, if..."

On the other side, a person knocks outside Jake's office.

"Yes, come in", he takes his seat back.

"Oh, Mr. Sunoo ssi", he smiles widely, until tables turns back with the sudden appearance of another person.

Jake slowly stands up from his seat, in shock. His expression change encountering someone, he never expected to meet again.

Sunghoon ran up to jake and hugs him tightly, closing his eyes. But jake does not moved his body at all, still in shock.

"I never thought, I will meat you again", sunghoon let go of jake, still holding his shoulders, "how can you just ghost me like that".

Sunoo, who is literally standing at the doorway, dicided to leave them alone.

"Sunoo-ssi", Jake asks, ignoring sunghoon's desperation, "I don't remember instructing you to leave".

Jake brushes sunghoon's shoulder off and takes his seat back, leaving sunghoon frozen in his place.

"Come, sit", jake smiles at sunoo, "we have a lot to discuss".

Sunoo who is confused, walks toward the chair and takes his seat.

Sunghoon, fuming with anger, had his fist tightly clenched.

He smirk with a sight laugh and leaves the room with a loud "thud" of door slamming.

Now, it was just sunoo and jake. Theirs eyes meeting each other with a different aura.

"I don't think, I need to introduce myself", Jake leaned back on his chair.

"You remember me right?", jake smiles at sunoo.

Sunoo, not breaking the eye contact with Jake also folded his arms, leaning his back on the chair.

"Ofcourse, hyung", he continued with a smirk on his face, "you still look hopeless, like before".

Jake's face goes darker with sunoo's word.

"Or maybe, even more", he further teased, "looking at everything, I just saw... your plan did not worked out at all"


Sunghoon slams the door with anger and walks outside in the corridor.

"Hyung", a voice calls him, making him turn his face.

"Is sunoo hyung, okay", jungwon ask.

Sunghoon walks toward jungwon and looks straight into his eyes with an evil smile.

"You are hyung's bodyguard, right?", jungwon tilted his head a little.


To be continued
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