Dry flower

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Sunghoon darted an arrow toward the target.

"So, it was you", a smirk appears in his whole face.

"You must be the reason, he kept quiet"

Then he takes another dart and targets in another direction.

"But, don't worry", the dart gets pinned in sunoo's photo.

"I'll make sure, to bite this time and you'll not be able to protect him, anymore"


"So, you finally remembered me", the voice from the other side of the phone speaks.

"I can't sleep, hyung", sunoo utters, leaning his head in the sofa, while sunghoon was hearing them clear from the table in front of sunoo.

Both of his hand were balancing his chin, looking straight at sunoo's face. His eyes, had a rage inside of them.

"What do you want to listen?", heeseung asked.

"Dry flower", sunoo answer back, leaving heeseung speachless.

There was a whole minute of silence before heeseung spits something out of his mouth.

"Sorry, sunoo", he apologize, "You know, I can't do this".

Sunghoon smirks, "Ofcourse you can't", he whispers.

"Ok", sunoo closed his eyes, gathering every piece of his heart, "I'll do it"

Before, sunoo could start singing, the call ends.

Leaving all the questions confirmed for both sunoo and sunghoon.

"Too guilty, to sing. Huhh", sunghoon stands up, touching his nape.

Sunoo was still in his sofa, his head leaning backward. He sigh and close his eyes down.

A flashback ran through his head, of the day, he and heeseung united and everythingalmost changed for him.

{Sunoo was walking an alley in the night. His hoodie was hiding his eyes and mask covering his face. He needed to avoid any kind of attention in public. The crowd was making him feel exhausting. His eyes were swollen from all the sleepless nights, he recently had. His soul was heavy, after letting go of every support, he had.

Suddenly, he fell to the ground because of his untied shoeless. His face was down, not wanting to get up.

Suddenly, a guy came and kneeled down in front of his face.

"Hyung", sunoo saw heeseung, in an all black outfit and a mask.

Heeseung removed his mask and hat, fixing his hair from his eyes. Then he looks at sunoo's leg and proceed to tie his laces.

"You should not run around, with untied laces"



It was around 1am at night. Sunoo was sleeping in the sofa, covered with a white blanket.

Suddenly, his door opens wide, revealing a tall guy in suit. That guy walks toward sunoo and bend down to have a proper look at his face.

Cherishing his cheeks with his long fingers, gently.

"I hope, we aren't going that way", he mumbles.

"That will be such a mess, for both of us"

"What about me?", sunghoon interrupt the guy, by aiming a gun at him from behind.

"You aren't leaving me aside, from your mess", he exaggerates,"right?".

The guy starts giggles and stands upright, followed by the gun in his head.

"I guess, you are desperate for your own grave", he ventured.

"After all of the sacrifice, he did for you", he signal toward sunoo, "you ended up soaking your leg in this mud".

"Such a pity", he taunts.

Sunghoon snapped and was about to triger the gun, when the guy turns his face around, and held the gun tightly in the direction of the ceiling. Both of them ends up in a fight, for the gun.

Suddenly, the lights turns on, revealing the face of the guy. Sunghoon throws a punch in his face, making him fall in the ground.

Sunoo was the one, who opened the lights, to have a look at the face of that guy.

That guy, couldn't look up at sunoo's face. The disappointment was just hard to face. Sunghoon kneels down, gripping the hair of that guy from back and shows his face to sunoo.

"Mr. Lee heeseung, you are fired", sunghoon exclaims with a satisfying face.


To be continued
"It's not the end, yet"

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