Alternative confession

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I entered through the door, when I found Danielle waiting for me. I know, why she is here. I tried my best to avoid her eyes, but then she spoke.

"Hyung", her tone was extremely sad, "Do you like Sunghoon Oppaa".

I didn't reply, and just dicided to stand there with my eyes, meeting the ground.

She walked in front of me, and looked straight into my face.

"So, you used to visit the rink because of him", I still didn't replied.

"It's okay, hyung", she tapped my shoulder and left the home.

I ran outside, after few second of her exit but she was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and cursed under my breath.

"It's all because of that ass hole", I clenched my fist with anger.

10 hours before:

"Hyung, you just need to deliver these chocolates, to sunghoon hyung in the class beside yours", she handed me a preety lunch box.

"Are you sure, they will not cause food poisoning", I teased, judging her cooking skills.

She hit my shoulder with her monstrous hand, which made me shut my mouth.


I entered the class, next to our and asked a good looking Australian guy, about the desk of park sunghoon.

He smiled loooking at me, with the lunchbox.

"Who sent them", he asked.

Wow, he even speak handsomely. I really want to became someone cool like him.

"You don't have to tell me", oh no, I forgot to answer his question due to thinking too much.

"He is over there", he pointed to a desk, where someone was lying with his head buried in his arms.

I walked over that seat, and tried to wake him up.

"Excuse me, hello", I tapped his hair, "buddy wake up, it's morning".


God, I regret waking him up. I clearly didn't expected this weirdo to be 'the sunghoon guy', my sister like.

He scanned my body, thoroughly and a smile curled up, in his half awaken face.

God, I want to punch him, so hard. But for now, I had my priorities, like preventing my sister from him.

I know, I'll never let him be any where near her.

He took a step near me, and I pushed him back, throwing the lunch box in his hands. He looked quiet surprised. Then I thought of the only alternative situation, which can drive him away from my sister's life.

I clenched both my fist and closed my eyes, just to scream this lame confession which will probably embarrass me.

"I like you"....

Everything looked too calm for few seconds, I opened my eyes slowly and yupp everyone had their jaw dropped looking at me. I quickly used my hoodie to hide my face but I can't hide from the girl standing in the door step.

Danielle, why is she here. Did she saw everything, oh god I'm dead. I panicked and tried running from the other door, when someone pulled me back and...

Fucking kissed me. God hell. How dare he stole my first kiss, of course it didn't last even a second but it was enough to make my sister cry, she ran outside.

Everyone was shouting at us, and he had the nerve to look at me after this. I couldn't hold myself back and I punched him hard, in his left cheek. I'll be glad, if his perfectly Vampire canine could have been broken with my punch.


Name: Danielle Age: (past) 15 year oldSunoo's little sister

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Name: Danielle
Age: (past) 15 year old
Sunoo's little sister

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