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"Why are we here", jake ask coming out of the car. He knew about the mansion and looked extremely concerned to be there.

"I need to find sunghoon, and he must be here", sunoo walks up to the main gate. The guards don't stop them, letting them enter the mansion.

"Sunoo, stop", jake pause and looks deep inside sunoo's eyes.

"What, now", sunoo desperately shout.

"I don't think, you would want to see him right now", sunoo was unable to understand Jake's word. Suddenly, he feels an arm crawling around his waist from behind.

"Sunghoon", he smiles and feel a soft cloth in his nose. He goes against the gravity, falling right into sunghoon's arms.

"Thanks", Sunghoon says and hold sunoo's weight is his arms. Jake follows them inside.

"I don't think there's any point in this so called protecting him", jake speak, "he is also aware about jungwon's identity"

Sunghoon don't reply and bangs the door of his bedroom. He lay sunoo in the bed sheet carefully and slides his hands in sunoo's forehead, cherishing up to his brown hairs.

"It's not about the reveal but about the danger, he will face", sunghoon turns his face toward jake, "I can't let that psycho touch him"

They leave the room together, and walks in the corridor to reach downstairs.

"So, About Jungwon", jake hesitates to mention.

"Yeah, we have him, under our supervision", sunghoon inform.

"I'll make sure, he will suffer twice as much as he made us suffer", sunghoon eyes were almost as dead as corpse.

They enters a room with so many different equipment related to science. Sunghoon picks an injection in his hand to fills it up with a solution.

"Master", niki comes rushing through the door. He stands in front of sunghoon with his eyes darted in the ground.

"Speak", Sunghoon order.

"It seem, he escaped", his hands were trembling with fear. His body refusing any movement of life, like he knew that he was doomed after ittering those words.

Sunghoon slowly turns in his direction, with the syringe in his left hand, he keep his another hands above niki's shoulder.

"He can't", his voice was almost inaudible, Almost making a judgment.

Niki looks up, and meets the eyes of the most devilish man in his entire life. His whole body trembles in fear, trying to leave far away from the wicked gaze of his master.

"I'll find him... now", he stammers and bows his head, leaving in a hurry.

Jake sighs loud enough to grab sunghoon's attention. He runs his hands through his blond hair and sit down in the bed behind him.

His hands were now placed in his temple and elbows leaned in his laps.

"What?", sunghoon question placing the syringe in the table beside him.

"I thought, you were...", jake hesitates to form any word in his mouth.

"Fixed?", sunghoon says looking straight at Jake's tense face.

"Well, I felt almost in control since sunoo came", sunghoon takes a seat next to jake.

"I felt no urge for torture, no nightmares, or repulsed habit...", he pause to meet the eyes of his best friend. Still with so much pain, so much regret.

"I was in ease, sleeping near him. He provided me such peace that I didn't have to resort with my impulse. His presence was enough for escaping all my horror"

"And, right now...", sunghoon eyes were beaming with so much pain, immense level of anger. "All I wants to do is, protect him from every darkness he fought with, up until now"

"It's not his fight anymore..." "Master", niki interrupts again.

Sunghoon stands up, pulling every string of emotion together.

"Master, according to security cameras. Mr. Sunoo just left the mansion", sunghoon felt the world crumble inside him.

He instantly grabbed niki with collar, slamming his body right above the door.
His eyes glared right into the eyes, terrified at his state, looking for a state to be freed from himself. He could clearly feel niki breathing heavily, as his chest was repeatedly moving up and down.

Sunghoon slowly closed his eyes, trying to catch as much as air possible in his lungs. He push niki aside and opens the door, and his rushed feets left the room completely. Niki cursed under his breath, and followed him. Jake also stood up to leave the mansion.

"What about jungwon?", jake asked sunoo, while trying to keep up with his pace.

"Isn't it obvious, jungwon is probably with sunoo", niki starts his car with jake sitting beside him.

Sunghoon took his separate car and they rushed out of mansion, with monstrous speed.


Jungwon open his eyes, to find himself laid in a small space. His hands were tied, behind and mouth was tapped tight. He try to kick the solid beneath his tied legs. He could feel his whole body in a motion, the turns were hitting his head up. He was in the car, trapped yet again.

He closed his eyes, wincing in pain in an attempt to remember, how he ended up here.

He was in the basement just an hour ago. He moved his body enough to reach near the aquarium and slammed his head right into the glass. His head was bleeding but few pieces of the broken glass dropped in his lap, which was damp due to the water. He managed to catch the glass from his lap to his feet, to cut the ropes.

After freeing himself from the chair, he held the dead fishes in the ground, And threw them back at the broken aquarium barely holding much water. But nothing dead can be bought back to life, neither them nor his...

He sneaked out of the basement, and...

What happened afterward was vague. He was almost so close to his motives, but those hands strangled his neck and he collapsed.

Jungwon hits his leg hard, in attempt to escape but fails. Suddenly the motion stopped, he hear someone's step, coming closer in his direction.

"Jungwon-ah", a sweet voice snaps jungwon to life. The person in front of him was not ordinary, almost unrecognizable. It almost made him...

Laugh in excitement.

"Hyung", his eyes were smiling in place of his mouth.

"You really surprised me, here"


To be continued
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