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"How long you are gonna keep him"


"You know, it's not the solution"

"Until, I find him"


The guy with a mask, entered sunoo's room at night.

"Sir, he is sleeping right now", one of the bodyguards inform.

"It's fine, I'm just here to see him", masked guy answered.

After seeing sunoo sleep, he took few step toward him and sat on the bed.

He had his eyes on sunoo with a strange expression on his face.

His hand touched sunoo's cheek, softly.

"I'm just hopeless when it comes to you", he admitted, "how could you be so cruel with this innocent face".

The masked guy's eyes turned red with anger, after he recalled a past memory.

He tightens his grip over sunoo's cheek, which woke him up.

Sunoo struggled to free his face from his tight grip, which made him cut his own inner cheeks.

Blood started to flow from there. The mask guy took his hand back and then he smiled looking down at sunoo's feared self.

"So, how does it feel to bleed yourself", he desperately asked sunoo, "does it hurt?"

"No, it just taste like wine", sunoo smirked.


Heeseung was on his phone for past two days, doing stuff from home, because he did not wanted to face that golden retriever at company.

He was doing his best to find sunoo, but the area where he was kidnapped, did not had any camera.

He was mad at himself for not being able to take care of him, which is why he did not sleep a bit in past 4 day.

Suddenly he heard someone knocking at his door, he opened the door and found no one except a pakage.

He was about to close his door after taking the pakage inside with him, when someone blocked the door, with his black boot from closing.

"Fuck, now who", heeseung cursed.

"Your, love", this was enough to recognize the guy outside.

Heeseung opened the door for jae yoon with a pure fake smile.

"Oh, you are here", he said.

They both came inside and took a seat to open the pakage.

"So, you found it outside", the blond asked.

"Hmm, you are not the one who sent it to me", heeseung asked, "right?"

"No", the blond answered.

Heeseung was not comfortable opening the box in front of the blond, so he tried to change the topic and hide it for now.

"So, who gave you my address?", he asked.

"It was not hard to find your place. I had to pop here, because you were not coming to the company", the blond explained.

Meanwhile heeseung placed the pakage inside his table, very carefully.

"Last time, you ditched me with your fake call so I had to do something", he further explained himself, "so, what's with this pakage, aren't you going to open it?", heeseung was unsuccessful in changing the topic. Because jae yoon was not a fool to be tricked that easily.

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