his sunshine

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Now, sunoo was getting filmed with the whole group. While Sunghoon was sitting on staffs provided chair. He was really angry for falling into his trap.

"It was definitely him", he mumbled. A smirk came over his face, "playing tricks on me? I guess you're enjoying just as much as me", he started to laught in the middle of nowhere, thinking all this inside his head. Staff around him, really took him as a mad person.

The shoot ended after 2 hours. Sunoo thanked everyone in the set and entered his van for going back to his apartment.

"He is still not here?", he asked looking at sunghoon in the driving seat.

"Yeah, he just disappeared into thin air while talking in his phone", sunghoon rambled, "I'm telling you, he is the most suspicious one".

Sunoo sighed and ignored all his allegations. He knew, it was not heeseung, he was sure about this fact.

Sunghoon return back to the company after escorting sunoo in his apartment.

He kicks the door of heeseung office, who was working on his desk.

"What?", heeseung stood up after hearing the loud bang.

Sunghoon took a seat at one of the chair in front of the desk.

"Where were you this whole time?" He asked straight ahead.

Heeseung sighed and sat back on his chair.

"I was called back, at the company by CEO's order", he replied calmly, "And because, you were there to escort sunoo without any problem, I did not bothered to return".

Sunghoon was not confirmed with heeseung, he smiled and tilted his head a little.

"Oh, you really left sunoo in my care", he shakes his head up and down and stood up to leave the room.

"Ok, see you later", heeseung had this expression of disbelief after sunghoon left. But he just shaked off his instincts.


Sunoo was alone in his apartment, with pure silence, a silence filled with darkness. Suddenly he heard someone opening his door, he jumped out of his bed to look, who entered.

He saw a shadow of a tall male, very Similar to his stalker. Sunoo rushed to open his drawer and held the gun in his hands.

The shadow reached sunoo's room and sunoo quickly pointed the gun on his head.

The tall one raised both his hands in air and laughed loudly, which made sunoo drop his gun in the ground.

"Okay, I am scared", the voice teased and opened the lights from his left hand.

"Surprise", Sunghoon smiled and hopped into the bed, ignoring sunno reaction.

Sunoo's head was landed on the ground with shame. He felt weak in front of sunghoon but didn't spoke anything back. He picked the gun up and hides it under his pillow. Then he took his position, to sleep on the other side of the bed with some distance from sunghoon's body facing him.

Sunoo was facing sunghoon's body, watching him close & careful. His left hand reached out to remove sunghoon bangs from his eyes, with little hesitation. When his hairs moved away from his forehead, a series of memories flooded sunoo's mind and he couldn't hold himself from cherishing sunghoon cheeks, which eventually woke him up.

Sunghoon had tears filled within both eyes, after feeling the warmth of sunoo's hand. He did wanted to forget this sensation but was unable to not react after it. He brushed sunoo's hand quickly away from his face with pure rage filling his teary eyes and turned to the opposite side to hide his tears rolling down his cheeks.

Sunoo closed his eyes, after getting the cold back of sunghoon, that he never could never expect before. Before, it was just his shoulder, which was always prepared to lend him strength.

Closing his both eyes, sunoo finds himself between the memories, when he first met sunghoon. He was nothing like this, he was not cold for him. He was just like sunshine for him, always ready to make him shine more brightly.

《 Past 》



Next chapter, will tell the flashback from sunoo's point of view. The past is set on their school days when:

sunoo was 17, close to his debut.
Sunghoon was a senior, 18 year old

To be continued
Comments are the most appreciated

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