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"Jungwon", jay wrapped me in his arms from behind, "what are you doing here, alone", he baby talked which almost made me puke.

I crawled my hands above his, and leans back on his arms around my waist.

"I really love you"

Suddenly I feel my face becoming watery, "why am I wet", I shouts.

"Wake up, darling", niki tease with a glass of water in his hands, "we haven't tied you here to recover your past insomnia"

Niki placed the glass in the table and walks back up to him. He leans his body forward and grip jungwon's chin with his two finger, glaring straight into the darkness in his eyes.

"Sly of you, to play this game of hide and seek with me"

Jungwon smirked, "dumb of you, to entertain me throughout the play"

Niki was about to smack his face, when a taller figure enters the basement. Niki freeze and instantly steps away from the body, tied up from the chair.

He lower his head, with his hands behind his back.

"Master", he address sunghoon, who took a seat in front of jungwon's chair, crossing his leg in style.

"So, what do we have here", sunghoon pause, "a traitor"


Sunoo slides his hands in the pocket, and finds a pendrive. He found this, while searching the office, he was locked in. It was hidden in one of the fancy pot placed in CEO's table, probably hidden.

He grab his laptop and placed it in his lap. Opening the file in his pen drive, he finds a voice recording.

Voices, too familiar in his memory.

"Jay hyung", he utters the words softly.

"I swear, it's not like this", jay pleaded.

"I'm just trying to protect him", his voice trying to convince, "as his brother"

Sunoo could feel the pain in Jay's voice as he explained himself in front of a certain someone.

"Don't worry about me. I am already careful about myself and no one is aware about me digging these letter".

A moment of silence with just the noise of footsteps could be heard.

"Jungwon", a wave of shock hits sunoo through his heart, "we need to help Sunoo out of this trouble"

"He is your friend and like a younger brother to me. We can't let him get hurt, like this"

Sunoo tighten his grip to hear more closely but jungwon was still silent. Until...

A series of laugh follows the silence. Almost unrecognizable, but still the same voice. Jungwon laughs loud enough to be echo in the whole room.

Sunoo knew the reason behind Jay's silence.

"Silly of you, hyung" he paused probably grinning at Jay's stupidity.

"You were doing so well up until now", jungwon's voice was very unfamiliar for sunoo. Almost like, he can't recognize this person, he spent all his life with. An EVILness in the tone.

"Playing boyfriend-boyfriend with you... wasn't it enough", he mocks.

"And here, I thought, I had all your attention", a disappointment in his voice.

Jay was still speechless, like he just encountered a ghost in front of his face.

"I really feel so pity for you. Being curious will drown you so deep in ground, that you'll regret you kindness for all your next lives"

"Why", that's all jay could manage to utter. His words delivering every sign of giving up.

Sunoo clench his fist, with pure anger, betrayal and pain. He was barely keeping himself in the chair, just to hear the full audio. He wanted to rip apart everything coming his way with anger but still chose to be his patience. At least for now.

"Why?", jungwon almost laugh.

"Well... as you can see. This was all for him, these letters, stalking and our whole relationship"

"All for him", he repeats with pleasure.

Sunoo could hear the rushed step and someone being banged to the wall.

"Why are you doing this to him. What did he do to you, to deserve all this", jay shouts in desperation.

"Well, you were successful in protecting him from all this horror, so... technically he is still untouched", the same unflinching tone.

"But not anymore. He needs to know this hell, I've prepared especially for him", he sounded way too excited.

"And you...", his voice pointed jay.

"Still, too naive, caring about him. Don't you get it? I played with your feelings, because of him. All your useless emotions don't urge to hate him from the bones. He is the reason behind your misery".

"Don't you even hate him a bit", his manipulation tries to get a hold of jay.

A loud slap echo their room, "you are crazy", Jay's disgusted voice asked.

"You think, I'll hate him and not you"

Jungwon laughs a second, "maybe...", he pause "if you had a will live another second, you should at least pretend"

A bullet voice pierces in sunoo's heart.

Jay growns in pain.

"Jay, you really stepped out of line", a third person's voice says, almost looking concerned.

"Heeseung-hyung", jay utter with pain. He fell down in the ground.

"It's such a pity, I'm again single", jungwon drags Jay's body, wincing in pain.

While the another person follows them

The audio ends, leaving sunoo with a void so deep in his soul. Almost everything crumbled inside of him, leaving him with nothing but betrayal. One after another, making him unable to trust anyone. His eyes were still dry, burning with so much hate, anger and pain. He swore to never shred a tear, no matter what. These tears were not gonna help him, only there to weaken him.

He stood up, from his study table and left the apartment with his car keys.

He knew, where jake was supposed to be. But more importantly, he needs to find jungwon and end this once for all.


To be continued
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