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"So, you want me to shuffle this letter in between the fan letters", CEO Sim asked with the orange paper in his hand.

"Okay, fine", he agrees with a grin, "but...", he pause.

The man in front of him was clearly pissed, he smashed the table with anger, like he is forcing himself to do something.

He threw a chip in the table and CEO Sim took it desperately.

The CEO places the chip in his drawer and smiled widely in front of his employees, heeseung, so he could leave.

Heeseung bashed out of there in anger, banging the door.


His body was struggling to breath, under water. He was desperately flapping his hands around, to escape the grip. The grip in his nape, which was definitely trying to drown him in the bathtub.

The grip pulled him, out of the water and he took a deep breath. He could clearly see the water in front of him, in red. His wound in his hand, was rapidly bleeding and he was barely conscious.

"Mrs. Sim, Why did you act so desperate", a voice whispered in his ears from behind.

"I was really considering, to spare you but... you messed up", the grip again pushed Mrs Sim's head inside the water.

The water in motion continued to turn darker with blood. The guy strangling the CEO, laughed loud enough to suppress the sound created in the water. He pulled him back from the water, CEO was rubbing both his hand desperately, begging hard for his life.

He was unable to speak anything, but the fear was well visible with his eyes. He could only open his right eyes, from where tears were flowing non-stop.

The guy, wearing a black hoodie with even darker pants dragged the body of CEO with his hair. The man in his 50s was screaming loud for help, from the fear.



Jake woke up from his nap, when he checked his phone, there were numerous calls from his dad. He called back, but no one replied. He stretched his body, while sitting in the chair and dived again in watching the chip. These chips were found in large number in heeseung's room. They all consist footage of Sunoo, doing his daily work in his room.

Suddenly, he pause the footage, as he spots something wierd. He zoom the picture in pause and everything looked clear, with his glasses. He quickly rushed outside the police station with laptop, in which he was watching the footage.


Jake finally stopped outside sunoo's apartment. He was continuously trying to contact sunoo and sunghoon, but both were not replying. After desperately waiting in the elevator, he rushed toward their room. He took a deep breath and fixed his facial expression. He pressed the bell and waited for the door to open.

The door opens up, showing sunghoon on the other side. But he was not alone, a girl was hiding behind the frame of sunghoon. Her hands were touching sunghoon shoulder, taking stand to peak out.

Jake pov:

"Oh, you", sunghoon was still avoiding any eye contact with me , "come inside".

I enter inside, and both of them followed after. I took a seat in the near sofa, and both of them were sitting in the opposite side, beside each other.

Sunghoon had his eyes glued up to me, like he was desperate for whatever I was here to say. On the other hand, this girl with curly hair is still curled near him. I fucking hate this, precisely her.

I placed my laptop in table and played the footage. After the correct timing, I paused and zoomed. Before showing this to him, I gave sunghoon the signs. He turned his head toward the curly girl, and she gave me death glare before leaving the living room.

"Now, who the fuck is she", I asked.

"None of your business", he still acted pissed. He rotated the laptop, to have a look at the screen.

He was shocked and was frozen for more than two minutes, before looking at my eyes. It's our first eye contact, since that night.

I noded back, to prove my point. He again bends his head down to have a better look.

"So, it was him all along", he grin.

"Maybe", I closed the laptop, "we need something more than this, to prove".

I stood up to leave with the laptop, when he grips my wrist to stop me. I look back at him, "don't inform sunoo about this".

I let go of his grip with force, "What do you mean?"

"I don't want to involve him, in this anymore", he stood up with his head down.

"He already have suffered a lot"

"It's time, I end this all for better", his eyes were no longer looking alive.

"I need to end this, for hyung... for sunoo", I swear, this isn't going anywhere good, but anyway.

"Okay, I'm done", I exit the apartment because my part was done here. Now, I'm fucking gonna leave this shit, right here. I was driving back to the station and decided to turn the radio.

{As for the latest news, CEO of SimYin entertainment is found dead in his...}

I hit the break, hearing the news to confirm whatever she was speaking was something I may have heard wrong. It can't be true, right? Like no way in hell.

End of jake pov:

He was still processing everything happening around him, when a truck clashed with his car. A loud band, pushed his car further and his head was banged with staring wheel.

His car was upside down, leaving him hanging. Even though he survived, he was unable to come outside the crushed car.

His eyes were begging to be closed, but he fought back to take a peak at the person exiting from the truck.

"Designer shoes, too much familiar", his eyes were finally closed.


Niki was filming with jungwon, who was his partner. They were told to place their hand in front of another's mouth. Niki with excitement sat in the chair, waiting for the soft hands crawling from behind. Jungwon's small hand touched niki's lips and he slightly licked them, "hyung, you look too sweet for me", he whispered, "what if I'll get a sweet tooth because of you".

Jungwon didn't respond, but leaned down for another pose.
"Well, I'll help you to get rid of that tooth, if you'll have any difficulty", he whispered back into niki's ears, which made niki smirk.

To be continued
Comments are the reason, I'm continuing this shit.

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