Epilogue: Dream

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Sunghoon pov:

I opened my eyes and his face was right in front of me. I wonder, how he looks so much in piece after going through such a war. I pulled my hands up to his forehead to set aside the bangs shadowing his eyes. His eyes projects the same peace inside my heart.

"Does it makes you happy?", I moved my hands back as he opened his eyes with a grin in his face, "I know, I look beautiful while sleeping but still, this is too much"

This automatically made me smile and I pulled him closer with his waist. His smile made me forget every pain, I felt. He softly touched my apple cheeks with a sad face.

"Your eyes are swollen because of crying", his hands were rubbing my skin with care which made me recall everything that happened yesterday night. I cried in his warmth and every weakness inside of me shredded in the forms of tears. I am not gonna let him leave again. I'll never allow myself to hurt him again or anybody else.

My hands crawled in his back, closing the remaining distance between us. I leaned my head in his shoulder, and I can clearly sense him smiling behind.

I really feel happy, now. It's hard to believe it. I bites sunoo's neck softly and he wince, pulling his head back.

"What are you doing? Are you a dog or something?", he smiles while rubbing his neck.

"Well, it just don't feel real", I smile back at him.

"Anyway, you always told me to bite, so I decided to finally do it", I pulled his head closer to mine.

"Okay", he held my face and kissed me in my right cheek.

"You can bite me anytime, as long as I can get my kiss in return"

We both giggled and I don't think, I'll want to wake up from this dream, if it's one.


To be continued

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