Regret: beginning

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It's all over now. I was too late to save him, and it'll always remain inside of me as a regret.

Just one day and I lost everything I ever had. I wish, it was me covered in blood, lying in the ground.


2 days before

"Ok, now is my time", I determined myself and walked through the corridor.

I opened the locker of jay hyung, to slide a letter written by me. It's not exactly for expressing my feeling but to inform him for meeting me, in the club room.

I'm finally taking the risk of confession because he'll soon pass out from the school and I'll be left with just regrets.

The locker was messy, unusual of him. When I opened it, a number of letters rushed outside with a white paper.

I picked them up in rush to stuff them back inside quickly. Strangely, everyone of them were in orange colour. The same as the one, I saw with jay hyung, yesterday. I opened one of them, due to my curiosity.

Just reading, the first line made me regret my decision. I felt goose bumbs all over my body. I squeezed the paper's end tightly.

I felt like throwing up after reading the whole letter.I looked around me, in panic.I was unable to make any sound. I punched the floor hard, to push my body to move.

I stood up. My head, not being able to look forward, just faced the neat floor. I stuffed those letters in my bag, along with a white piece of paper. After closing the locker, I heard few steps, coming in my direction. Honestly it was scary to turn around, after reading those letters. What if he is...

A hand touched my shoulder, which immediately fliched me, so I ended up pushing the figure behind me. When I finally turned, Sunghoon was in the floor,I pushed him out of defence.

"Sorry", I help him get up.

"It's okay", he replied, tidings his pants up.

"I must have shocked you", he assumed.

I saw his arms, which was scratch. He tried to hide it, when he sensed me staring there.

I took his arm in my hand and dragged him to the infirmary.

"Sunoo", I nodded, while disinfecting his scratch.

"Why did you freak out there?", I paused.

Our eyes were at each other, so it was hard to brush his question off.

"Like, you said. I was just shocked", I replied.

He didn't looked satisfied with my incomplete response.

"Why?", I asked him the reason behind his curiosity.

"It's just you looked scared more than shocked", he spoke with a sad look in his eyes.

How can he sense my fear, when I barely show it off.
He sure know, how to read me.


I'm seriously scared to open another letter after reading the latter one.

"Who is doing this to me?"


{Sunoo ya, I am really mad at you. Like, why are you hanging out with that jackass. He seriously need to stop, or else he'll end up dead.

I know, you don't like him. He is just luring you with his act. I know you more than anyone else. You will never fall for someone like him. I seriously feel so overwhelmed, everytime you peek through your window to stare at him. I rather have you without those eyes, who look at someone else.

I know, this letter will not reach you but you'll eventually read this. Truth can't hide well. Jay can't protect you forever, cause he will not be there forever.

Your only love


I had his fists clenched up, reading the whole page. I knew nothing about it, how long this has been going on behind my back.

I leaned his head in the table and closed his eyes tightly.

Jay hyung. How much he is hiding from me. Why these letters in his locker. All these questions were roaming my mind and only jay hyung could answer all these questions.


The first letter sunoo read:

Sunoo, I need to set some boundaries for you.

You were at stadium again. Why do you need to flirt with everyone around you. I swear, I'll kill him, if you'll continue to visit him.

Like, why do you even go out of your house. Just fucking sleep yourself in your free time. At least, don't stare at that fucking jay.

And what's with that scatter boy. Are you seriously thinking of fucking with him. Your eyes should only look at me.

I swear, I feel like locking you inside a jar.....

Your love

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